[en] Parental Burnout (PB) is a chronic stress-related disorder experienced in the parental role. Recent studies have shown that PB is a serious condition with severe consequences for parents (e.g., suicidal ideations) and children (e.g., parental neglect and violence). However, PB's biological correlates have not yet been examined. Numerous studies suggest that hair cortisol concentration (HCC) is a valid biomarker of a variety of chronic stress conditions. HCC has been shown to be related to job burnout, but no studies have looked at the association between HCC and parental burnout. Given that the two forms of burnout are only weakly related, it is important to fill this gap. In this study, we compared HCC of parents suffering from PB (N = 119) to that of control parents (N = 59). We also examined the correlation between PB scores and HCC levels, controlling for job burnout symptoms. The results showed that HCC was 213 % higher in parents suffering from PB (mean level: 99.90 pg/mg) compared to controls (mean level: 46.83 pg/mg). Moreover, HCC was significantly related to PB (r = 0.27). These findings suggested that HCC can be considered as a biomarker of PB (though with caution, as 36.1 % of the parents in PB had HCC values equal to or below the mean of the control parents) and reinforce the view that HCC is a biomarker of chronic stress conditions. The HCC levels observed in parents suffering from PB point to the importance of this condition as well as its potential harmful consequences for their health.
Disciplines :
Treatment & clinical psychology
Author, co-author :
Brianda, Maria Elena ; Psychological Sciences Research Institute, Department of Psychology, UCLouvain
Roskam, Isabelle; Psychological Sciences Research Institute, Department of Psychology, UCLouvain
Mikolajczak, Moïra; Psychological Sciences Research Institute, Department of Psychology, UCLouvain
Language :
Title :
Hair cortisol concentration as a biomarker of parental burnout.
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