[en] The reception of Symmachus has a primary function in Sidonius Apollinaris’
strategy of self-representation. Sidonius depicts himself as one of the last defenders of
Romanity, fighting for the survival of his own cultural heritage despite the increasing
power of the barbarians in Gaul; in the 8th book of his letter collection, the bishop of
Auvergne uses allusivity in order to create a connection with the events involving the
fourth-century pagan aristocrat Symmachus, engaged in re-asserting his rights and
privileges in a period of relevant political and social changes.
Disciplines :
Classical & oriental studies
Author, co-author :
Fascione, Sara ; Université de Liège - ULiège > Mondes anciens
Language :
Title :
Simmaco e la difesa della Romanitas nell'ottavo libro delle Epistole di Sidonio Apollinare