Article (Scientific journals)
Dynamical Manipulation of Polar Topologies from Acoustic Phonon Excitations.
Bastogne, Louis; Gomez Ortiz, Fernando; Anand, Sriram et al.
2024In Nano Letters, 24 (43), p. 13783 - 13789
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi


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Keywords :
Acoustic phonons; Ferroelectricity; Flexoelectricity; Inhomogeneous strains; Topological textures; Acoustic-phonons; Inhomogeneous strain; Optical methods; Optical-; Phonon excitations; Polar optical phonons; Pulse characteristics; Topological texture; Bioengineering; Chemistry (all); Materials Science (all); Condensed Matter Physics; Mechanical Engineering
Abstract :
[en] Since the recent discovery of polar topologies, a recurrent question has been how to remotely tune them. Many efforts have focused on the pumping of polar optical phonons from optical methods, but with limited success, as only switching between specific phases has been achieved so far. Additionally, the correlation between optical pulse characteristics and the resulting phase is poorly understood. Here, we propose an alternative approach and demonstrate the deterministic and dynamical tailoring of polar topologies using acoustic phonon excitations. Our second-principles simulations reveal that by pumping specific longitudinal and transverse acoustic phonons, various topological textures can be induced in materials like BaTiO3 or PbTiO3. This method leverages the strong coupling between polarization and strain in these materials, enabling predictable and dynamic control of polar patterns. Our findings open up an alternative possibility for the manipulation of polar textures, suggesting a promising research direction.
Disciplines :
Author, co-author :
Bastogne, Louis  ;  Université de Liège - ULiège > Complex and Entangled Systems from Atoms to Materials (CESAM)
Gomez Ortiz, Fernando  ;  Université de Liège - ULiège > Département de physique > Physique théorique des matériaux
Anand, Sriram  ;  Université de Liège - ULiège > Département de physique > Physique théorique des matériaux
Ghosez, Philippe  ;  Université de Liège - ULiège > Département de physique > Physique théorique des matériaux
Language :
Title :
Dynamical Manipulation of Polar Topologies from Acoustic Phonon Excitations.
Publication date :
30 October 2024
Journal title :
Nano Letters
Publisher :
American Chemical Society, United States
Volume :
Issue :
Pages :
13783 - 13789
Peer reviewed :
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi
European Projects :
H2020 - 964931 - TSAR - Topological Solitons in Antiferroics
Funders :
European Union. Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions
F.R.S.-FNRS - Fonds de la Recherche Scientifique
Funding text :
The authors acknowledge P. Zubko, A. Caviglia, P.-E. Janolin, and J.-M. Triscone for their insightful discussions. L.B., F.G.-O., and Ph.G. acknowledge support by the European Union\u2019s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under Grant Agreement No. 964931 (TSAR). The authors acknowledge the use of the CECI supercomputer facilities funded by the F.R.S-FNRS (Grant No. 2.5020.1) and of the Tier-1 supercomputer of the Federation Wallonie-Bruxelles funded by the Walloon Region (Grant No. 1117545). F.G.O. also acknowledges financial support from MSCA-PF 101148906 funded by the European Union and the Fonds de la Recherche Scientifique (FNRS) through the grant FNRS-CR 1.B.227.25F. Ph.G. also acknowledges support from the Fonds de la Recherche Scientifique (FNRS) through the PDR project PROMOSPAN (Grant No. T.0107.20). S.A. acknowledges financial support from the EIT Raw Materials - AMIS Joint Master ProgramThe authors acknowledge P. Zubko, A. Caviglia, P.-E. Janolin, and J.-M. Triscone for their insightful discussions. L.B., F.G.-O., and Ph.G. acknowledge support by the European Union\u2019s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under Grant Agreement No. 964931 (TSAR). The authors acknowledge the use of the CECI supercomputer facilities funded by the F.R.S-FNRS (Grant No. 2.5020.1) and of the Tier-1 supercomputer of the Fe\u0301de\u0301ration Wallonie-Bruxelles funded by the Walloon Region (Grant No. 1117545). F.G.O. also acknowledges financial support from MSCA-PF 101148906 funded by the European Union and the Fonds de la Recherche Scientifique (FNRS) through the grant FNRS-CR 1.B.227.25F. Ph.G. also acknowledges support from the Fonds de la Recherche Scientifique (FNRS) through the PDR project PROMOSPAN (Grant No. T.0107.20). S.A. acknowledges financial support from the EIT Raw Materials - AMIS Joint Master Program
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