Article (Scientific journals)
A BAC-guided haplotype assembly pipeline increases the resolution of the virus resistance locus CMD2 in cassava
Cornet, Luc; Zaidi, Syed Shan-e-Ali; Li, Jia et al.
2023In bioRxiv


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Abstract :
[en] ABSTRACTCassava is an important crop for food security in the tropics where its production is jeopardized by several viral diseases, including the cassava mosaic disease (CMD) which is endemic in Sub-Saharan Africa and the Indian subcontinent. Resistance to CMD is linked to a single dominant locus, namelyCMD2. The cassava genome contains highly repetitive regions making the accurate assembly of a reference genome challenging. In the present study, we generated BAC libraries of the CMD– susceptible cassava cultivar (cv.) 60444 and the CMD–resistant landrace TME3. We subsequently identified and sequenced BACs belonging to theCMD2region in both cultivars using high-accuracy long-read PacBio circular consensus sequencing (ccs) reads. We then sequenced and assembled the complete genomes of cv. 60444 and TME3 using a combination of ONT ultra-long reads and optical mapping. Anchoring the assemblies on cassava genetic maps revealed discrepancies in our, as well as in previously released,CMD2regions of the cv. 60444 and TME3 genomes. A BAC guided approach to assess cassava genome assemblies significantly improved the synteny between the assembledCMD2regions of cv. 60444 and TME3 and theCMD2genetic maps. We then performed repeat-unmasked gene annotation onCMD2assemblies and identified 81 stress resistance proteins present in theCMD2region, amongst which 31 were previously not reported in publicly availableCMD2sequences.
Disciplines :
Phytobiology (plant sciences, forestry, mycology...)
Author, co-author :
Cornet, Luc ;  Université de Liège - ULiège > Integrative Biological Sciences (InBioS)
Zaidi, Syed Shan-e-Ali 
Li, Jia
Yvan, Ngapout
Shakir, Sara
Loic, Meunier
Callot, Caroline
Marande, William
Hanikenne, Marc
Rombauts, Stephane
Van de Peer, Yves
Vanderschuren, Hervé
Language :
Title :
A BAC-guided haplotype assembly pipeline increases the resolution of the virus resistance locus CMD2 in cassava
Publication date :
19 October 2023
Journal title :
Available on ORBi :
since 08 January 2025


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