[en] Polychlorinated naphthalenes (PCNs) are toxic and can accumulate through the food chain. PCNs have been detected in different categories of foods. Intake of animal-derived foods is an important pathway for human exposure to PCNs. However, information on PCNs in meat from farmed animals is scarce. In this study, PCNs were assessed in beef sourced from local markets in Beijing and six provinces in China. The mean PCN concentrations in beef samples from the seven regions varied from 41.2 to 88.7 pg/g wet weight (ww). The homologue profiles of PCNs in the specimens were similar, with tri- and di-CNs being dominant. The mean concentration of PCNs in the flank (74.7 pg/g ww) was higher than that in the round (58.2 pg/g ww) or shank (53.6 pg/g ww), likely because the former contained a higher proportion of lipids than the latter. Significantly different PCN distributions in beef and dairy cow milk were identified using machine learning. The toxic equivalencies (TEQs) of PCNs in all beef samples ranged from 0.0003 to 0.022 pg TEQ/g ww. PCNs contributed to approximately 4.6% of the total TEQ values of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins, polychlorinated dibenzofurans, polychlorinated biphenyls, and PCNs in the beef. Health risks related to the intake of PCNs through beef consumption by the average person living in China were minimal.
Disciplines :
Author, co-author :
Dong, Shujun ; Institute of Quality Standards and Testing Technology for Agro-Products, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Beijing, 100081, China
Li, Jingguang; NHC Key Laboratory of Food Safety Risk Assessment, Food Safety Research Unit (2019RU014) of Chinese Academy of Medical Science, China National Center for Food Safety Risk Assessment, Beijing, 100021, China
Zhang, Lei; NHC Key Laboratory of Food Safety Risk Assessment, Food Safety Research Unit (2019RU014) of Chinese Academy of Medical Science, China National Center for Food Safety Risk Assessment, Beijing, 100021, China
Zhang, Su; Institute of Quality Standards and Testing Technology for Agro-Products, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Beijing, 100081, China
Zou, Yun ; Organic Biological Analytical Chemistry Group, Department of Chemistry, University of Liège, Liège, 4000, Belgium
Zhao, Yunfeng; NHC Key Laboratory of Food Safety Risk Assessment, Food Safety Research Unit (2019RU014) of Chinese Academy of Medical Science, China National Center for Food Safety Risk Assessment, Beijing, 100021, China
Wu, Yongning; NHC Key Laboratory of Food Safety Risk Assessment, Food Safety Research Unit (2019RU014) of Chinese Academy of Medical Science, China National Center for Food Safety Risk Assessment, Beijing, 100021, China
Wang, Peilong; Institute of Quality Standards and Testing Technology for Agro-Products, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Beijing, 100081, China. Electronic address: wangpeilong@caas.cn
Language :
Title :
Distributions of polychlorinated naphthalenes in beef from China and associated health risks.
This study was supported by the Central Public Interest Scientific Institution Basal Research Fund of the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences (grant no. Y2022PT20 ) and by the Agricultural Science and Technology Innovation Program of the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences (Feed Quality and Safety).
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