[en] In this paper, we present three artefacts of the Museo Arqueológico Nacional of Madrid. Two of them are a stick shabti and its coffin (Theban necropolis, 17th–18th Dynasties), both inscribed with hieratic texts. The third artefact is a limestone ostracon (Deir el-Medina, 20th Dynasty) recording an inspection of the tomb of the guardian Amenemope (Ramesses II), which was handed over to the workman Menna in Year 4 of Ramesses IV. For each of these artefacts, we provide a detailed account of their provenance and a description, as well as a hieroglyphic transcription, a transliteration and an annotated translation.
Research Center/Unit :
Mondes anciens - ULiège
Disciplines :
Classical & oriental studies
Author, co-author :
Olbés Ruiz De Alda, Isabel
Pons Mellado, Esther
Demarée, Rob J.
Polis, Stéphane ; Université de Liège - ULiège > Département des sciences de l'antiquité > Egyptologie
Poole, Federico
Language :
Title :
Three Objects with Hieratic Inscriptions in the Museo Arqueológico Nacional (Madrid). Wooden Coffin with Stick Shabti 2524 and Ostracon 16243
Publication date :
December 2024
Main work title :
New Kingdom Hieratic Collections From Around the World, Volume 2