[en] Living benthic foraminifera, known as environmental bio-indicators of both natural and anthropogenic conditions in marine environments, were investigated in the coastal environment of Roscoff Aber Bay (Brittany, France). Eight sampling sites subject to natural variations (freshwater inputs, tides) and/or anthropogenic impacts (pollution, eutrophication) were studied over four seasons in 2021-2022 (November, February, May, August). We sought to understand the spatial distribution of foraminiferal populations within and between sampling sites over the different seasons and to identify sensitive species and those tolerant to anthropogenic impacts. To this end, sedimentary and biogeochemical characteristics of the sediments were examined by measuring grain size, temperature, oxygen, salinity, pH, environmental pigment concentration (chl a and phaeopigments), total organic carbon (TOC), isotopic ratios of carbon (δ13C), nitrogen (δ15N) and sulfide (δ34S), and chl a fluorescence. Considering these parameters as potential driving factors, four environments were distinguished among the sampling sites: open water, terrestrial, oligotrophic and eutrophic. These showed an increasing gradient of organic supply as well as very different microbial activities, highlighted by carbon and sulfide isotopic ratios. Foraminiferal population study revealed the dominant species characterising these main environments. The lowest abundance but highest diversity of foraminifera was found in the harbour site, associated with the dominance of Haynesina germanica, suggesting this species is tolerant to eutrophic environments and anthropogenic impacts. Open water was dominated by Ammonia beccarii and Elphidium crispum, while Quinqueloculina seminula was the most abundant species in the site with the greatest terrestrial influence. Interestingly, the observed organic enrichment of the harbour due to anthropogenic activities (fisheries, waste deposits, etc.) does not seem to significantly affect foraminiferal diversity. Overall, the benthic foraminiferal species in Roscoff Aber Bay appear to be an excellent proxy for marine environmental conditions under various natural and anthropogenic influences.
Research Center/Unit :
FOCUS - Freshwater and OCeanic science Unit of reSearch - ULiège MARE - Centre Interfacultaire de Recherches en Océanologie - ULiège
This work was supported by the BLUE REVOLUTION project (Biodiversity underestimation in our bLUe planEt: artificial intelligence REVOLUTION in benthic taxonomy) funded by the Interdisciplinary Graduate School for the Blue Planet (ISBlue; ANR-17-EURE-0015) and Ifremer (Institut fran\u00E7ais de recherche pour l\u2019exploitation de la mer). DZ was supported by the project \u201CMassive mEIOfauna DiscoverY of new Species of our oceans and SEAs (MEIODYSSEA) funded by the Sasakawa Peace Foundation. RR was supported by the ISA-IFREMER Collaboration in support of the capacity development of national from developing States, by the Ifremer Marine Mineral Resources project (REMIMA project) and by the French National Research Agency under France 2030 (reference ANR-22-MAFM-0001). This work was supported by the BLUE REVOLUTION project (Biodiversity underestimation in our bLUe planEt: artificial intelligence REVOLUTION in benthic taxonomy) funded by the Interdisciplinary Graduate School for the Blue Planet (ISBlue; ANR-17-EURE-0015) and Ifremer (Institut fran\u00E7ais de recherche pour l\u2019exploitation de la mer). DZ was supported by the project \u201CMassive mEIOfauna DiscoverY of new Species of our oceans and SEAs (MEIODYSSEA) funded by the Sasakawa Peace Foundation. RR was supported by the ISA-IFREMER Collaboration in support of the capacity development of national from developing States, by the Ifremer Marine Mineral Resources project (REMIMA project) and by the French National Research Agency under France 2030 (reference ANR-22-MAFM-0001). The authors thank Sarah Garric and Christophe Six for their help and support with the HPLC analysis of the sediment pigments and the interpretation of the various dendrograms. The authors would also like to thank Valentine Foulquier for her help with the field collection, extraction and technical analysis of the samples. The authors are grateful to the SOMLIT platform for providing temporal data from November 2021 to August 2022 for the ESTACADE point. The authors thank Nicolas Gayet for his help in acquiring SEM images of the foraminifera. The authors would also like to thank Victor Simon for the loan of temperature, pH and salinity probes and Christelle Simon Colin for the loan of the freeze-drying machine. Finally, the authors would like to thank the scientific managers of the ESTACADE stations and the SOMLIT coordinator.
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