Museums; Museums education; Audience; Social inclusion; Accessibility; Art Museum; Brazilian Museology; Social role of museums; Pinacoteca de São Paulo; Montreal Museum of Fine Arts; Museo Nacional de Colombia
Abstract :
[en] My text is a presentation for Aidar's book, who includes an academic text defended in the early 2000s (part 1) and a more recent article that updates the discussion on social inclusion (part 2)
"Part 1: This study highlights the social role of museums in museological practice, based on two specific and diverse realities. On the one hand, by focusing on the social inclusion concept applied to the museum practice in the United Kingdom, through the analysis of the literature produced about the subject in the beginning of the 21st century. On the other hand, by understanding the social role of museums as theorised and practised in Brazil, through the analysis of three case studies from the mid-1990s on.
From the study of these two perspectives, comparisons between them are built, the differences are put into context, and hypotheses relating to the understanding of the variables are proposed. As a result, it’s seen how the social inclusion concept applied to museums has been developed in the United Kingdom, and what are the circumstances that led to its development and applicability. For the Brazilian case, the analysis of the case studies has led to a focus on the social role of museums as consonant to their educational role, and attempts to understand this particularity will be suggested.
Part 2: The text presents and problematizes different points of view regarding accessibility in museums. Usually understood as synonymous of actions aimed at people with disabilities, accessibility makes possible diverse approaches aimed at groups with access difficulties. It also discusses issues related to inclusion and audience development in museums and shares examples of accessibility projects of the Pinacoteca de São Paulo, the Museo Nacional de Colombia and the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts."
Research Center/Unit :
AAP - Art, Archéologie et Patrimoine - ULiège IRSS-CEDEM - Institut de recherches en Sciences Sociales. Centre d'Études de l'Ethnicité et des Migrations - ULiège
Disciplines :
Art & art history
Author, co-author :
Duarte Cândido, Manuelina Maria ; Université de Liège - ULiège > Département des sciences sociales > Centre d'études de l'ethnicité et des migrations (CEDEM)
Language :
Title :
Sociomuseology & Sociomuséologie vol. 4
Publication date :
28 December 2024
Main work title :
Museums and social change: two perspectives on the social role of museums
Author, co-author :
Aidar, Gabriela
Publisher :
Edições Universitárias Lusófonas, Lisbon, Portugal
Edition :
Collection name :
Sociomuseoloy & Sociomuséologie
Pages :
Peer reviewed :
Editorial reviewed
Development Goals :
10. Reduced inequalities 4. Quality education 8. Decent work and economic growth