Drainage evolution in porous carbonate terrain in semi-arid environments: The role of tectonics and climatic change – The case study of the Boukadir carbonate platform, Algeria
[en] Porous carbonate terrains are widespread around the Mediterranean area and form non classical karstic landscapes. The related diffuse infiltration is expected to impede karstification and the establishment of dense drainage networks. In such terrain, the effect of tectonics and climate on drainage development and evolution remains poorly understood. To address this issue, we focus on a semi-arid area with a tuffaceous Messinian carbonate platform characterized by a well-established dendritic network in an active tectonic context. The platform is situated in the Chélif Basin in Algeria, affected by transpressive deformation in relation to the Africa-Eurasia collision. We combine geomorphological observations with drainage morphometric analyses using satellite images and DEM. The drainage network analysis reveals varying tectonic deformation and morphological anomalies resulting from instability in the drainage systems, expressed through (1) variable platform tilt and (2) the presence of knickpoints and convexities in river profiles. These anomalies are particularly pronounced in the west, where knickpoints are more numerous, and incisions deeper. We relate the origin of the tilt to the differential marl compaction and remobilization, and in the area with the highest tilt a recent propagation of the Boukadir thrust underneath the platform might also play a role. Finally, we propose a general model of drainage evolution which highlights the importance of weathering in the Maghreb area transforming the porous media in an indurated carbonate or calcrete.
Disciplines :
Earth sciences & physical geography
Author, co-author :
Moulana, Meriem Lina ; Université de Liège - ULiège > Sphères ; Underground risk unit, Institut Scientifique de Service Public (ISSeP), Liège, Belgium
Lefevre, Marthe ; Université de Liège - ULiège > Sphères ; Seismology-Gravimetry department, Royal Observatory of Belgium, Bruxelles, Belgium
Hubert, Aurelia ; Université de Liège - ULiège > Département de géographie > Géomorphologie et Géologie du Quaternaire
Language :
Title :
Drainage evolution in porous carbonate terrain in semi-arid environments: The role of tectonics and climatic change – The case study of the Boukadir carbonate platform, Algeria
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