Ancient and mature forests; Dendrochronology; Early and late modern period; French Pyrenees; Silver fir; Wooden buildings in mountain; Forestry; Ecology
Abstract :
[en] This article presents ring width chronologies derived from samples extracted from historical timber buildings in the French central Pyrenees. Two chronologies for fir (Abies alba Mill.) were dated for two periods: 1446–1655 and 1679–1952 AD. These chronologies are suitable for dendroarchaeological and paleoenvironmental studies, or for reconstructing past climates. Dataset access is at and associated metadata at
Labbas, Vincent ; Université de Liège - ULiège > Unités de recherche interfacultaires > Art, Archéologie et Patrimoine (AAP) ; Royal Institute of Art Heritage, Brussels, Belgium
Saulnier, Mélanie; CNRS, UMR 5602 GEODE, Toulouse, France
Burri, Sylvain; CNRS, UMR 5608 TRACES, Toulouse, France
Larrieu, Laurent; INRAE, UMR 1201 DYNAFOR, Auzeville-Tolosane, France
Py-Saragaglia, Vanessa; CNRS, UMR 5602 GEODE, Toulouse, France
Language :
Title :
A dendroarchaeological tree-ring dataset of Abies alba Mill. from historic buildings in the French Pyrenees
We would like to thank Sylvie Ladet (INRAE Dynafor UMR 1201, Auzeville-Tolosane, France) and Emilie Lerigoleur (CNRS UMR 5602 GEODE) for their contribution. Not applicable.
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