External report (Reports)
SUIT deliverable 4.3b - St-Leonard Revitalisation Plan case study: Test of focus groups as participative post-evaluation method
Zwetkoff, Catherine; Ruelle, Christine


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Keywords :
Post-evaluation; Participation; Regeneration; Evaluation; Rénovation urbaine
Abstract :
[en] This aim of this research was to test the use of focus groups as a participative post-evaluation method. This document presents a case study of the use of the focus group method to assess in a relative rapid way the outcomes effects of a Revitalisation Plan in a derelicted urban neighbourhood of the city of Liège, Belgium. This exploratory research is part of the SUIT European Project dealing with active conservation of urban cultural heritage.
Research Center/Unit :
LEMA - Local Environment Management & Analysis
Disciplines :
Author, co-author :
Zwetkoff, Catherine ;  Université de Liège - ULiège > Département de science politique > Département de science politique
Ruelle, Christine ;  Université de Liège - ULiège > Département Argenco : Secteur TLU+C > LEMA (Local environment management and analysis)
Language :
Title :
SUIT deliverable 4.3b - St-Leonard Revitalisation Plan case study: Test of focus groups as participative post-evaluation method
Alternative titles :
[fr] Rapport SUIT 4.3b - Cas du projet de revitalisation du quartier St-Léonard: test des 'focus groups' comme outil de post-évaluation participative.
Publication date :
January 2004
Report number :
SUIT 4.3b
Number of pages :
Commissioned by :
EU, Program Energy, Environment and Sustainable Development, Key Action 4 : The City of Tomorrow and Cultural Heritage, Theme 4.2.3. : Foster Integration of Cultural Heritage in the Urban Setting, SUIT contract number : EVK4-CT-2000-00017 SUIT.
Name of the research project :
SUIT - Sustainable development of Urban historical areas through an active Integration within Towns
Funders :
UE - Union Européenne [BE]
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since 11 December 2009


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