Agent's preferences; Changing environment; Coupled dynamics; Decisions makings; Dynamic-adaptive; Dynamics models; Frame-work; Opinion dynamics; Physical constraints; Physical dynamics; Control and Optimization; Modeling and Simulation
Abstract :
[en] We propose a threshold decision-making frame-work for controlling the physical dynamics of an agent switching between two spatial tasks. Our framework couples a nonlinear opinion dynamics model that represents the evolution of an agent's preference for a particular task with the physical dynamics of the agent. We prove the bifurcation that governs the behavior of the coupled dynamics. We show by means of the bifurcation behavior how the coupled dynamics are adaptive to the physical constraints of the agent. We also show how the bifurcation can be modulated to allow the agent to switch tasks based on thresholds adaptive to environmental conditions. We illustrate the benefits of the approach through a multi-robot task allocation application for trash collection.
Disciplines :
Engineering, computing & technology: Multidisciplinary, general & others
Author, co-author :
Amorim, Giovanna; Princeton Univ., Dept. Of Mechanical And Aerospace Engineering, Princeton, United States
Santos, María; Princeton Univ., Dept. Of Mechanical And Aerospace Engineering, Princeton, United States
Park, Shinkyu; King Abdullah Univ. Of Science And Technology (KAUST), Computer, Electrical And Math. Science And Eng. Div., Thuwal, Saudi Arabia
Franci, Alessio ; Université de Liège - ULiège > Département d'électricité, électronique et informatique (Institut Montefiore) > Brain-Inspired Computing ; Wel Research Institute, Wavre, Belgium
Leonard, Naomi Ehrich; Princeton Univ., Dept. Of Mechanical And Aerospace Engineering, Princeton, United States
Language :
Title :
Threshold Decision-Making Dynamics Adaptive to Physical Constraints and Changing Environment
Publication date :
Event name :
2024 European Control Conference (ECC)
Event place :
Stockholm, Swe
Event date :
25-06-2024 => 28-06-2024
Audience :
Main work title :
2024 European Control Conference, ECC 2024
Publisher :
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.
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