Implementation and outcomes of an enhanced recovery after surgery pathway for laparoscopic cholecystectomy in East and Central Africa: A prospective non‐randomized controlled trial in Rwanda's Tertiary Teaching Hospital
[en] Background: Enhanced recovery after surgery (ERAS) programs have demonstrated efficacy in optimizing perioperative care and improving patient outcomes in various surgeries. However, their implementation and outcomes in resource‐limited settings remain underexplored. This study aimed to assess the implementation of an ERAS protocol for laparoscopic cholecystectomy in such a setting. Methods: This prospective non‐randomized controlled trial involved 100 patients undergoing laparoscopic cholecystectomy at the University Teaching Hospital of Kigali, Rwanda. The first 50 patients on the ERAS pathway were prospectively evaluated and retrospectively compared to the last 50 patients operated on before ERAS implementation. Data on demographics, preoperative information, intraoperative compliance, postoperative events, and patient feedback were collected and analyzed.Results: ERAS implementation resulted in a significant reduction in hospital length of stay (LOS) (p < 0.001) without increase in complications. Compliance with ERAS principles, including preoperative education and perioperative management, was more than 90%. ERAS also reduced costs due to quicker recovery and shorter hospital LOS.Conclusion: The implementation of ERAS for laparoscopic cholecystectomy in a limited‐resource setting is feasible and safe, suggesting the possibility of its potential adoption in other abdominal procedures. A high level of adherence to the ERAS pathway can be achieved with effective patient education and the dedication of healthcare providers.
Kayondo, King; Department of Surgery Rwanda Military Hospital Kigali Rwanda
Gasakure, Miguel; Department of Surgery University Teaching Hospital of Kigali University of Rwanda Kigali Rwanda
Twagirumukiza, Jean Damascene; Department of Surgery Inkuru Nziza Orthopedic Hospital Kigali Rwanda
Gashegu, Julien; Department of Surgery University Teaching Hospital of Kigali University of Rwanda Kigali Rwanda ; Department of Human Anatomy University of Rwanda Butare Rwanda
Detry, Olivier ; Université de Liège - ULiège > Département des sciences cliniques > Pathologie chirurgicale abdominale et endocrinienne
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Implementation and outcomes of an enhanced recovery after surgery pathway for laparoscopic cholecystectomy in East and Central Africa: A prospective non‐randomized controlled trial in Rwanda's Tertiary Teaching Hospital
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