[en] The traditional crop calendar for yam (Dioscorea spp.) in South-Kivu, eastern Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), is becoming increasingly inadequate given the significant climatic variability observed over the last three decades. This study aimed at: (i) assessing trends in weather data across time and space to ascertain climate change, and (ii) optimizing the yam crop calendar for various South-Kivu agro-ecological zones (AEZs) to adapt to the changing climate. The 1990-2022 weather data series were downloaded from the NASA-MERRA platform, bias correction was carried out using local weather stations' records, and analyses were performed using RClimDex 1.9. Local knowledge and CROPWAT 8.0 were used to define planting dates for yam in different AEZs. Results showed the existence of four AEZs in the South-Kivu province, with contrasting altitudes, temperatures, and rainfall patterns. Climate change is real in all these South-Kivu's AEZs, resulting either in rainfall deficits in some areas, or extreme rainfall events in others, with significant temperature increases across all AEZs. Suitable yam planting dates varied with AEZs, September 15th and 20th were recommended for the AEZ 2 while October 15th was optimal for AEZ 1, AEZ 3, and AEZ 4. However, none of the planting date scenarios could meet the yam water requirements in AEZ1, AEZ3, and AEZ4, since the effective rainfall (Pmm) was always inferior to the plant water demand (ETc), meaning that soil water conservation practices are needed for optimum plant growth and yield in these AEZs. This study does not recommend planting yam during the short rainy season owing to prolonged droughts coinciding with critical growth phases of yam, unless supplemental irrigation is envisaged. This study provided insights on the nature of climate change across the past three decades and suggested a yam crop calendar that suits the changing climate of eastern DRC.
Disciplines :
Agriculture & agronomy
Author, co-author :
Mondo, Jean M; Faculty of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences, Université Evangélique en Afrique (UEA), Bukavu, Democratic Republic of Congo ; Doctoral School of Agroecology and Climate Sciences, Université Evangélique en Afrique (UEA), Bukavu, Democratic Republic of Congo ; Department of Agriculture, Université Officielle de Bukavu (UOB), Bukavu, Democratic Republic of Congo
Chuma Basimine, Géant ; Université de Liège - ULiège > Sphères ; Faculty of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences, Université Evangélique en Afrique (UEA), Bukavu, Democratic Republic of Congo ; Doctoral School of Agroecology and Climate Sciences, Université Evangélique en Afrique (UEA), Bukavu, Democratic Republic of Congo
Matiti, Henri M; Faculty of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences, Université Evangélique en Afrique (UEA), Bukavu, Democratic Republic of Congo
Kihye, Jacques B ; Faculty of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences, Université Evangélique en Afrique (UEA), Bukavu, Democratic Republic of Congo
Bagula, Espoir M; Faculty of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences, Université Evangélique en Afrique (UEA), Bukavu, Democratic Republic of Congo
Karume, Katcho; Faculty of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences, Université Evangélique en Afrique (UEA), Bukavu, Democratic Republic of Congo ; Doctoral School of Agroecology and Climate Sciences, Université Evangélique en Afrique (UEA), Bukavu, Democratic Republic of Congo
Kahindo, Charles; Doctoral School of Agroecology and Climate Sciences, Université Evangélique en Afrique (UEA), Bukavu, Democratic Republic of Congo ; Faculty of Sciences, Université Officielle de Bukavu (UOB), Bukavu, Democratic Republic of Congo
Egeru, Anthony; RUFORUM, Makerere University Main Campus, Kampala, Uganda
Majaliwa, Jackson-Gilbert M; RUFORUM, Makerere University Main Campus, Kampala, Uganda
Agre, Paterne A; International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), Ibadan, Nigeria
Adebola, Patrick A; International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), Ibadan, Nigeria
Asfaw, Asrat; International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), Ibadan, Nigeria
Language :
Title :
Crop calendar optimization for climate change adaptation in yam farming in South-Kivu, eastern D.R. Congo.
BMGF - Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation UM - University of Malaya
Funding text :
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF) through the RTB Breeding project of the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA) (INV-003446); Carnegie Cooperation of New York through the Regional University Forum for Capacity Building in Agriculture (RUFORUM), grant No RU/ 2024/Post-Doc/02. The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript. Authors are thankful to farmers who participated in focus group discussions to select test planting date scenarios as well as weather stations that availed field data used for bias corrections.
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