interactive leisure market; videogames; online market; broadband; internet; iptv; VoD; marché interactif des loisirs; jeux video; marché en ligne; large bande; multimedia; DVB
Abstract :
Chapter 16: The interactive leisure market
Interactive leisure software, video games: publishing and development companies
List of main tables and graphs:
32/64-bit console hardware sales volume, value and installed base in Western Europe (1998-2004)
32/64-bit console software annual sales volume and annual sales in Western Europe (1998-2004)
128-bit console hardware sales volume, value and installed base in Western Europe (1999-2004)
128-bit console software sales volume and value in Western Europe (1999-2004)
Handheld hardware annual sales volume, value and installed base in Western Europe (2001-2004)
Handheld software annual sales volume and value in Western Europe (1999-2004)
Number of households with PC in Western Europe (2000-2004)
PC penetration in Western European households (1999-2004)
PC leisure software annual sales volume and value in Western Europe (1999-2004)
Total leisure hardware sales volume in Western Europe (1999-2004)
Total consumer hardware sales value in Western Europe (1999-2004)
Total leisure software sales volume and value in Western Europe (1999-2004)
The 20 leading videogame publishers worldwide (2000-2004)
European videogame publishing companies (2000-2004)
Financial situation of European videogames publishing companies (1999-2003)
The 30 leading videogame developers in Europe (2001-2004)
Financial situation of European videogame developers (1999-2003)
Chapter 17: The online market
Online connectivity, entertainment E-commerce
List of main tables and graphs:
Broadband and narrowband households (2002-2004)
Broadband households (1999-2004)
Broadband households by platform (1999-2004)
Rate of penetration of broadband by platform (2004)
Top 10 European broadband network operators (2000-2004)
Top 10 European residential broadband service providers by subscribers (2002-2004)
Definitions of terms used
Home use internet universe (August 2005)
Top entertainment websites and entertainment domain usage (August 2005)
Chapter 18: New services
Pay-per-view services, Internet Protocol TV (IPTV) services, Video-on-demand (VoD) services, services of TV to mobile
List of main tables and graphs:
Basic definitions
Pay-per-view/Near-video-on-demand services
Internet Protocol TV (IPTV)
Video-on-Demand (VoD)
Devices of reception
The new players in the VoD market
Economic models
Television to mobile telephones
Chapter 19: Electronic cinema
High-end digital, alternatives
List of main tables and graphs:
European digital cinema installations by exhibitor and territory (2004)
Worldwide commercial digital cinema screens by region (2003-2004), by country (2004), by operator (2004)
Worldwide commercial digital cinema screen growth (1999-2004)
Digital film releases by source 1999-2004)
DocuZone CinemaNet Europe target installations (2004)
Number of screens converted to digital screen advertising (1999-2004)
Digital advertising deployments by operator and territory (Q3 2005)
Digital films screened by Folkets Hus in Sweden (2001-2004)
Chapter 20: Facility companies
Film laboratories, infography, duplication
List of main tables and graphs:
The 40 leading European film and TV facilities companies (2001-2004)
Film laboratories - Operating revenue (2000-2004).
Financial situation of film laboratories established in Europe (1999-2003)
Leading European companies specializing in infography, 3D animation and special effects (2001-2004)
Leading European companies specialising in the duplication of discs, DVD, videocassettes (2001-2004) [fr] Contenu :
Les derniers développements de la télévision par protocole internet (IPTV), vidéo à la demande, télévision sur téléphone mobile, DVB-H
Ventes de consoles et de logiciels de jeux vidéo
Editeurs et développeurs de jeux vidéo et entreprises de services techniques : principales sociétés et santé financière
Les grandes tendances du marché
Les principaux chapitres :
Marché des loisirs interactifs
Le marché en ligne
Les nouveaux services
Cinéma électronique
Entreprises de services techniques [de] Aus dem Inhalt:
Jüngste Entwicklungen des Fernsehens im Internet (IPTV), Video-on-Demand, Fernsehen für Mobiltelefone, DVB-H
Verkauf von Videospielen und Videospielkonsolen
Führende Industrieunternehmen und wirtschaftliche Lage
der Branchen:
Videospielverlage und Videospielentwickler
Kurzberichte zu den wesentlichen Industrietrends
Interaktiver Unterhaltungsmarkt
Online Markt
Pay-per-view und Video-on-demand
Elektronisches Kino
Disciplines :
Performing arts Special economic topics (health, labor, transportation...) Communication & mass media Engineering, computing & technology: Multidisciplinary, general & others
Editor :
Lange, André ; EAO - Council of Europe. European Audiovisual Observatory [FR]
Keen, Ben; Screen Digest
Language :
Title :
EUROPEAN AUDIOVISUAL OBSERVATORY - Yearbook 2005 Film, Television, Video and Multimedia in Europe - Volume 4 Multimedia and New Technologies
Alternative titles :
[fr] OBSERVATOIRE EUROPEEN DE L'AUDIOVISUEL - Annuaire 2005 Cinéma, télévision, vidéo et multimédia en Europe - Multimédia et nouvelles technologies
Original title :
[de] EUROPAISCHE AUDIOVISUELE INFORMASTIONSSTELLE - Jahrbuch 2005 Film, Fernsehen, Video und Multimedia in Europa - Multimedia und neue Technologien
Publication date :
Publisher :
Council of Europe, Strasbourg, France
Number of pages :
Peer reviewed :
Editorial reviewed
Funders :
EAO - Council of Europe. European Audiovisual Observatory