Assessment of the mobility of potentially toxic trace elements (PTEs) and radionuclides released in soils stabilized with mixtures of bentonite-lime-phosphogypsum
Harrou, Achraf; El Ouahabi, Meriam; Fagel, Nathalieet al.
2024 • In Environmental Science and Pollution Research
Natural radionuclides; Transfer factor; Leaching; Environmental contamination; Phosphogypsum
Abstract :
[en] Phosphogypsum (PG) is a solid by-product of the phosphate industry, rich in contaminants and produced in large quantities. Raw materials and stabilized specimens, consisting of bentonite-lime-PG mixtures, were characterized by mineralogical, microstructural, chemical, alpha-particle, and gamma-ray spectrometry analysis before hydration and after hardening. Compressive strength and leaching tests were performed on hardened specimens. The physicochemical parameters and chemical composition of leachates from raw materials and hardened specimens were determined. PG contains high concentrations of natural radionuclides, specially from U series. Uranium-238 activities are double in PG than the worldwide average for soil values. The mobility of PTEs from PG is Cd (2.43%), Zn (2.36%), Ni (2.07%), Cu (1.04%), Pb (0.25%), and As (0.21%). Cadmium is the cation most easily released by PG in water with a concentration 0.0316 mg kg −1. When PG is added to bentonite-lime mixture, cadmium is no longer released. The radionuclide 238,234 U and 210 Po predominates in the leachates of PG. However, the activity of 210 Po becomes negligible in the leachates of bentonite-lime-PG mixtures. The addition of PG to bentonite-lime mixtures facilitates the trapping of trace elements (PTEs) and radionuclides, providing potential applications for PG as road embankments and fill coatings.
Research Center/Unit :
Geology - ULiège
Disciplines :
Earth sciences & physical geography
Author, co-author :
Harrou, Achraf ; Université de Liège - ULiège > Faculté des Sciences > Doct. sciences. (géologie) ; Spain
El Ouahabi, Meriam ; Université de Liège - ULiège > Département de géologie > Argiles, géochimie et environnements sédimentaires ; Spain
Fagel, Nathalie ; Université de Liège - ULiège > Département de géologie > Argiles, géochimie et environnements sédimentaires ; Spain ; Spain
Barba-Lobo, Alejandro; Spain ; Spain
Pérez-Moreno, Silvia; Spain ; Spain
Pedro, Juan; Spain ; Spain
Raya, Bolívar; Spain ; Spain
Gharibi, Elkhadir; Université de Oujda, Maroc > Chimie
Language :
Title :
Assessment of the mobility of potentially toxic trace elements (PTEs) and radionuclides released in soils stabilized with mixtures of bentonite-lime-phosphogypsum
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