metascience; neurodiversity; reading list; open scholarship; antivalidisme; antiableism
Abstract :
[en] Since its inception, the concept of neurodiversity has been variably defined and widely discussed, which may cause confusion among those unfamiliar with the topic. Further, learning about neurodiversity is challenging given the lack of well-curated, appropriately contextualized information and the prevalence of misinformation on the topic. To address such barriers, we present an annotated reading list that was developed collaboratively by a neurodiverse research group. The 9 themes covered in the reading list span across the history of neurodiversity and contemporary understandings of it. Topics covered in the themes include: the importance of lived experiences, as well as specific research areas such as autism, ADHD, dyslexia, stuttering, traumatic brain injury, and mental health. The final themes are oriented towards ways of strengthening the area of neurodiversity, including considerations regarding anti-ableism, the need for robust research theory and methods, and integration with open, inclusive, and participatory work. We hope this resource can support readers in understanding some of the key ideas and topics within neurodiversity, and that it can further orient researchers towards more rigorous, destigmatizing, accessible, and inclusive scientific practices.
Disciplines :
Social & behavioral sciences, psychology: Multidisciplinary, general & others
Author, co-author :
Zaneva, Mirela ; University of Oxford
Coll-Martín, Tao
Héjja-Brichard, Yseult
Kalandadze, Tamara
Kis, Andrea
Koperska, Alicja
Manalili, Marie Adrienne Robles
Mathy, Adrien ; Université de Liège - ULiège > Traverses ; Université de Liège - ULiège > CARE "ULiège Library" > ULiège Library : 20-Août - Sites thématiques (A2)
FORRT - A Framework for Open and Reproducible Research Training
Funding text :
ME is supported by funding from the Leverhulme Early Career Trust. RMR is supported by the John
Templeton Foundation (grant ID: 62631). VA is supported by funding from NWO Veni. TC-M is
supported by funding from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness
(MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033) research project PID2020-114790GB-I00 and the University
of Granada (Contrato Puente-Plan Propio UGR).
Commentary :
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