Regulación de los Ciberdelitos en El Convenio de Budapest: Aspectos Normativos y Desafíos de Cooperación Internacional a partir de la Comparación entre Colombia Y Alemania
Marquez Guerra, Jose Francisco; Barrios, G
2024 • In Montalvo, C (Ed.) Desafíos actuales del Derecho penal y la Política criminal en Alemania y Latinoamérica
Budapest Convention, cybercrime, cybercrime, computer security, international criminal cooperation
Abstract :
[en] his work consists of a historical-analytical review of international regulatory
advances on cybercrime in the world since the Budapest Convention. Their recommendations are studied through a comparative approach. Furthermore, it studies how these are reflected in the legislation of Colombia and Germany. It seeks to identify some of the common challenges of international cooperation against cybercrimes. The challenges experienced by States and the challenges of international cooperation are described. It is concluded that these are aspects that must be strengthened in the future against cybercrime.
Regulación de los Ciberdelitos en El Convenio de Budapest: Aspectos Normativos y Desafíos de Cooperación Internacional a partir de la Comparación entre Colombia Y Alemania
Publication date :
Main work title :
Desafíos actuales del Derecho penal y la Política criminal en Alemania y Latinoamérica