[en] [en] AIM: Pudendal and inferior cluneal nerve entrapment can cause a neuropathic pain syndrome in the sensitive areas innervated by these nerves. Diagnosis is challenging and patients often suffer several years before diagnosis is made. The purpose of the review was to inform healthcare workers about this disease and to provide a basis of anatomy and physiopathology, to inform about diagnostic tools and invasive or non-invasive treatment modalities and outcome.
METHODS: A description of pudendal and inferior cluneal nerve anatomy is given. Physiopathology for entrapment is explained. Diagnostic criteria are described, and all non-invasive and invasive treatment options are discussed.
RESULTS: The Nantes criteria offer a solid basis for diagnosing this rare condition. Treatment should be offered in a pluri-disciplinary setting and consists of avoidance of painful stimuli, physiotherapy, psychotherapy, pharmacological treatment led by tricyclic antidepressants and anticonvulsants. Nerve blocks are efficient at short term and serve mainly as a diagnostic tool. Pulsed radiofrequency (PRF) is described as a successful treatment option for pudendal neuralgia in patients non-responding to non-invasive treatment. If all other treatments fail, surgery can be offered. Different surgical procedures exist but only the open transgluteal approach has proven its efficacy compared to medical treatment. The minimal-invasive ENTRAMI technique offers the possibility to combine nerve release with pudendal neuromodulation.
CONCLUSIONS: Pudendal and inferior cluneal nerve entrapment syndrome are a challenge not only for diagnosis but also for treatment. Different non-invasive and invasive treatment options exist and should be offered in a pluri-disciplinary setting.
Disciplines :
Author, co-author :
Jottard, Katleen; Department of Surgery, CHU Brugmann, Brussels, Belgium
Bonnet, Pierre ; Université de Liège - ULiège > Département des sciences biomédicales et précliniques > Anatomie humaine systématique
Thill, Viviane; Department of Surgery, CHU Brugmann, Brussels, Belgium
Ploteau, Stephane; Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics, Center Hospitalier Universitaire, Nantes, France
de Wachter, Stefan; Department of UZA, Antwerp Surgical Training, Anatomy and Research Centre (ASTARC), Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Wilrijk, Belgium
Language :
Title :
Diagnosis and treatment of pudendal and inferior cluneal nerve entrapment syndrome: a narrative review.
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