évaluation, approche par compétences, représentations, didactique de français, Cameroun
Abstract :
[en] This article aims to update the representations of French teachers on the evaluation
of French disciplines under the model of the Competency-Based Approach, a model
used in the Cameroonian education system. We rely on interviews conducted with
seven teachers from different regions of Cameroon. Through these interviews with
secondary school teachers, we aim to analyze their conceptions of evaluation
according to the Competency-Based Approach after more than twenty years
of implementation in Cameroon, and we wonder if this has truly contributed to
improving students’ skills in French. Our goal is to highlight the stereotypes that
run through this didactic model. Therefore, the central question: How to consider
diversity in the evaluation for a deep questioning of the representations of the
notions of acceptability and norm?
Research Center/Unit :
DIDACTIfen - Unité de Recherche en Didactique et Formation des Enseignants - ULiège
Disciplines :
Languages & linguistics
Author, co-author :
Nongni Kendjio, Chancelline Armelle ; Université de Liège - ULiège > Unités de recherche interfacultaires > Unité de recherche en didactique et formation des enseignants (DIDACTIfen)
Language :
Title :
Les représentations de l'évaluation du français dans le paradigme de l'Approche par compétences chez les enseignants camerounais.
Alternative titles :
[en] Representations of French assessment in the paradigm of the skills-based approach among Cameroonian teachers
Publication date :
21 June 2024
Journal title :
Synergies France
Publisher :
Groupe d'Études et de Recherches pour le Français Langue Internationale (GERFLINT), Paris, France