Détermination d'un indicateur d'activité pertinent pour les préparations en pharmacie hospitalière : comparaison interétablissements de la préparation des chimiothérapies
Malbranche, C.; Lamon, S.; Roland, Isabelleet al.
2013 • In Pharmacien Hospitalier et Clinicien, 48 (1), p. 27 - 36
Activity indicator; Drug compounding; Oncology; Performance; Pharmacology (medical)
Abstract :
[en] Introduction: Preparation activity in hospital pharmacy is assessed according to the number of units produced per unit of time. This may not be the most relevant indicator of activity given the wide variations in the type of preparation, the number of steps required and the complexity of the manipulations. Our aim was therefore to establish an activity indicator that incorporated the quantitative and qualitative aspects of preparations. Materials and methods: A scoring grid was developed by four pharmacists from three different countries. This grid, which makes it possible to calculate an activity indicator expressed in points, was applied to assess preparation activity for anticancer drugs in two healthcare establishments for 2009. Results: The grid was useful to assess preparations, whether they were sterile or not, compounded or hospital preparations. After scoring 38,193 preparations, the difference in activity between these two establishments illustrated by current activity indicators (16,960 vs 21,233 preparations, +25%) was halved using the grid (263,265 vs 298,949 points, +14%). Discussion: This easy-to-use tool can be used to calculate an activity indicator that takes into account the technical complexity of preparations. Conclusion: This tool allows to compare one establishment with another and to follow activity levels within a single establishment.
Disciplines :
Pharmacy, pharmacology & toxicology
Author, co-author :
Malbranche, C.; Pôle Pharmaceutique, CHU de Dijon, 21000 Dijon, France
Lamon, S.; Service de Pharmacie, CHUV de Lausanne, 1011 Lausanne, Switzerland
Roland, Isabelle ; Université de Liège - ULiège > Unités de recherche interfacultaires > Centre Interdisciplinaire de Recherche sur le Médicament (CIRM) ; Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Liège - CHU > > Service production et essais cliniques
Jacob, D.; Service de Pharmacie, Centre Hospitalier de Nevers, 58033 Nevers, France
Duban, M.; Service de Pharmacie, Centre Georges-François-Leclerc, 21000 Dijon, France
Pernot, C.; Pôle Pharmaceutique, CHU de Dijon, 21000 Dijon, France
Language :
Title :
Détermination d'un indicateur d'activité pertinent pour les préparations en pharmacie hospitalière : comparaison interétablissements de la préparation des chimiothérapies
Alternative titles :
[en] Relevant activity and performance indicator for pharmacy compounding: Benchmarking for two oncology drugs compounding pharmacy laboratories
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