Bay of Ranobe; coastal communities; community perceptions; legislation; local knowledge; local resources; survey questionnaire; threats; Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics; Aquatic Science
Abstract :
[en] Madagascar’s seagrass meadows are among the least-studied ecosystems in the western Indian Ocean region. To facilitate sustainable management, understanding the traditional uses of seagrass areas in relation to current management policies is necessary. This study assessed the uses of, and policies relevant to, seagrass ecosystems off southwestern Madagascar. We interviewed 131 community members in five coastal villages around the Bay of Ranobe in Toliara Province. Answers to the survey revealed a good level of awareness of seagrass, though 55% of respondents perceived the status of the seagrass areas as deteriorating. Opinions varied on the source or degree of threats to seagrass, but 74.8% of respondents suggested destructive fishing methods or other factors, including natural phenomena and animal grazing. The responses highlight that seagrass meadows serve as areas important for fishing, seaweed cultivation or sea cucumber farming, and the passage of boat/pirogue transportation. There are currently no tangible policies that directly protect or manage the seagrass areas regarding these activities, although some national regulations and local management initiatives are indirectly relevant, notably no-take zones and the local-level codes known as Dina. Development and implementation of a national management plan for seagrass ecosystems is a key gap. This demands the collection of scientific data to support decision-making to ensure long-term provision of the services provided by seagrass meadows. The involvement of coastal communities in the management of seagrass ecosystems will be necessary for the success of any new policies.
Research Center/Unit :
FOCUS - Freshwater and OCeanic science Unit of reSearch - ULiège
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