Attraction; attractivity; belgian municipalities; labor market; demographic dynamics
Abstract :
[en] This research aims to analyse Belgian municipalities based on two dynamics : their ability to attract new residents and their ability to attract new workers to their territory.
Demographic dynamics are computed using the origin-destination matrix for intermunicipal moves in 2020 and 2021. The net increase in new residents in each municipality is put into perspective compared to the total number of residents in the municipality in 2020. The labor market attraction of each municipality is calculated on the basis of the origin-destination matrix for daily job-related movement in 2021 drawn up by the National Office for Social Security (ONSS). Therefore, it mainly concerns salaried jobs. The number of movements to a municipality for work is put into perspective in relation to the total number of movements in Belgium.
The two sets of data obtained this way have resulted in 9 categories of municipality according to the intensity of these two dynamics. This classification enables cross-referencing with other variables and typologies, and an analysis of the geography of these dynamics.
Research Center/Unit :
Lepur : Centre de Recherche sur la Ville, le Territoire et le Milieu rural - ULiège
Disciplines :
Physical, chemical, mathematical & earth Sciences: Multidisciplinary, general & others
Author, co-author :
Van Huffel, Eva ; Université de Liège - ULiège > Centres attachés à la Faculté (Sciences) > Lepur (Centre de recherche sur la Ville, le Territoire et le Milieu rural)
Bianchet, Bruno ; Université de Liège - ULiège > Centres attachés à la Faculté (Sciences) > Lepur (Centre de recherche sur la Ville, le Territoire et le Milieu rural)
Maldague, Hubert ; Université de Liège - ULiège > Centres attachés à la Faculté (Sciences) > Lepur (Centre de recherche sur la Ville, le Territoire et le Milieu rural)
Language :
Title :
Measuring Belgian municipalities'attraction regarding demographic dynamics and labor market in 2021
Publication date :
Event name :
Belgian geographers day
Event organizer :
Event date :
By request :
Name of the research project :
Centre de ressources de la CPDT : mission d'information territoriale au service des politiques d'aménagement
Funders :
CPDT - Conférence Permanente du Développement Territorial