Speech and Hearing; Linguistics and Language; Developmental and Educational Psychology; Otorhinolaryngology
Abstract :
[en] Purpose:
This study measured and compared the acoustic short-term effects of pitch elevation training (PET) and articulation-resonance training (ART) and the combination of both programs, in transgender women.
A randomized controlled study with cross-over design was used. Thirty transgender women were included and received 14 weeks of speech training. All participants started with 4 weeks of sham training; after which they were randomly assigned to one of two groups: One group continued with PET (5 weeks), followed by ART (5 weeks); the second group received both trainings in opposite order. Participants were recorded 4 times, in between the training blocks: pre, post 1 (after sham), post 2 (after training 1), and post 3 (after training 2). Speech samples included a sustained vowel, continuous speech during reading, and spontaneous speech and were analyzed using Praat software. Fundamental frequency (
), intensity, voice range profile, vowel formant frequencies (
of /a/−/i/−/u/), formant contrasts, vowel space, and vocal quality (Acoustic Voice Quality Index) were determined.
Results and Conclusions:
Fundamental frequencies increased after both the PET and ART program, with a higher increase after PET. The combination of both interventions showed a mean increase of the
of 49 Hz during a sustained vowel, 49 Hz during reading, and 29 Hz during spontaneous speech. However, the lower limit (percentile 5) of the
during spontaneous speech did not change. Higher values were detected for
of /a/,
of /u/, and vowel space after PET and ART separately.
of /a/,
of /u/, vowel space, and formant contrasts increased after the combination of PET and ART; hence, the combination induced more increases in formant frequencies. Intensity and voice quality measurements did not change. No order effect was detected; that is, starting with PET or ART did not change the outcome.
Disciplines :
Author, co-author :
Leyns, Clara ; Center for Speech and Language Sciences (CESLAS), Department of Rehabilitation Sciences, Ghent University, Belgium
Daelman, Julie; Center for Speech and Language Sciences (CESLAS), Department of Rehabilitation Sciences, Ghent University, Belgium
Adriaansen, Anke; Center for Speech and Language Sciences (CESLAS), Department of Rehabilitation Sciences, Ghent University, Belgium
Tomassen, Peter; Department of Head and Neck Surgery, Ghent University Hospital, Belgium
Morsomme, Dominique ; Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Liège - CHU > > Service d'ORL, d'audiophonologie et de chir. cervico-faciale
T'Sjoen, Guy; Department of Endocrinology, Ghent University Hospital, Belgium ; Center for Sexology and Gender, Ghent University Hospital, Belgium
D'haeseleer, Evelien; Center for Speech and Language Sciences (CESLAS), Department of Rehabilitation Sciences, Ghent University, Belgium ; Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Ghent University Hospital, Belgium
Language :
Title :
Short-Term Acoustic Effects of Speech Therapy in Transgender Women: A Randomized Controlled Trial
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