Sociology and Political Science; Geography, Planning and Development
Abstract :
[en] This historical overview uses a political ecology approach to examine agricultural change over time in Northwest Cambodia. It focuses on key historical periods, actors, and processes that continue to shape power, land, and farming relations in the region, emphasizing the
relevance of this history for contemporary investments in agricultural extension services and research as part of the Zero Hunger by 2030 policy agenda for achieving the Sustainable
Development Goals (SDG). Agricultural extension projects need to engage critically with historically complex and dynamic power, land, and farming relations – not only as the basis of social relations but as central to understanding the contemporary manifestation of
farmer decision making and practice. Initiatives such as the SDGs replicate long histories of externally driven power-relations that orient benefits from changed practices towards elites in urban centers or distant global actors. Efforts to realize zero hunger by 2030 are endangered by neglect for the path-dependency of power-land-farming relations, which stretch from the past into the present to structure farmer decision making and practice.
Disciplines :
Agriculture & agronomy Human geography & demography History
Author, co-author :
Cook, Brian R.; University of Melbourne
Satizábal, Paula; University of Oldenburg
Touch, Van; University of Melbourne
McGregor, Andrew; Macquarie School of Social Sciences
Diepart, Jean-Christophe ; Université de Liège - ULiège > Département GxABT > Modélisation et développement ; School for Field Studies, Cambodia
Utomo, Ariane; University of Melbourne
Harrigan, Nicholas; Macquarie School of Social Sciences
McKinnon, Katharine; University of Canberra
Srean, Pao; National University of Battambang
Tran, Thong Anh; University of Melbourne
Babon, Andrea; University of Melbourne
Language :
Title :
Historical Agrarian Change and its Connections to Contemporary Agricultural Extension in Northwest Cambodia
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