[en] PASE is an open-source simulation framework for agrivoltaics that allows to estimate both energy and spatialized crop production in specified agrivoltaic configurations, location soil and climate. Please refer to https://gitlab.uliege.be/pase/pase_1.0/ for last functional version
Research Center/Unit :
TERRA Research Centre. Echanges Eau - Sol - Plantes - ULiège [BE]
Disciplines :
Energy Agriculture & agronomy
Author, co-author :
Bruhwyler, Roxane ; Université de Liège - ULiège > TERRA Research Centre
Lebeau, Frédéric ; Université de Liège - ULiège > Département GxABT > Biosystems Dynamics and Exchanges (BIODYNE)
Language :
Title :
PASE : Python Agrivoltaic Simulation Environment
Publication date :
Version :
Technical description :
Python environment to model crop and photovoltaic productivity of agrivoltaic systems. Released versions are also available on gitlab: https://gitlab.uliege.be/pase/pase_1.0/
Development Goals :
7. Affordable and clean energy 13. Climate action 2. Zero hunger
Funders :
F.R.S.-FNRS - Fonds de la Recherche Scientifique [BE]