[en] Soils of the loess belt of Western Europe are intensively cropped and particularly prone to runoff and soil erosion, especially when planted with row crops such as maize or potatoes, characterized by a low soil cover during erosive spring storms. In this context, micro-basin tillage techniques could help mitigate these risks while being fairly easy to integrate into conventional cropping systems, yet very few studies have investigated the effectiveness of this technique in a maize crop. Soil pitting was therefore tested across 14 site*years of field trials in Belgium by a newly designed roller adapted to a seeding unit forming small depressions in-between maize rows. Runoff and surface losses of sediments and pesticides were measured on soil pitted plots under natural rainfall and compared with conventionally tilled plots. Seasonal runoff and erosion rates were reduced on average by 69% and 83%, respectively, following soil pitting. Median curve number (CN) values calibrated (λ = 0.05) on this dataset are 68 for the control, and 63 for the soil pitting treatment. Analysis of individual rainfall event data reveals that the mitigation effect remains consistent throughout the season, and is even slightly higher for highly erosive rainfall events than for light events. Whereas herbicide concentrations, and hence in-situ ecotoxicity risk indicators, were similar between control and soil pitted treatments at the experimental plot scale, at larger scales the environmental impact on water bodies would be mitigated by soil pitting thanks to the reduction in absolute runoff and soil loss. Future research should further investigate the impacts of soil pitting on crop yields under a broad range of rainfall conditions.
Research Center/Unit :
TERRA Research Centre. Echanges Eau - Sol - Plantes - ULiège
We thank CIPF engineers and technicians for implementation and monitoring of the agronomic trials. We are grateful to the farmers who hosted these trials on their fields. We also thank the Service Public de Wallonie for financing the Eruistop and Intell'eau projects, which allowed for the data collection and analysis, respectively.
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