Consensus; Europe; Gestational trophoblastic disease; Gestational trophoblastic neoplasia; Referral and consultation; Female; Gestational Trophoblastic Disease/therapy; Guidelines as Topic; Humans; Pregnancy; Referral and Consultation; Oncology; Cancer Research
Abstract :
[en] [en] BACKGROUND AND AIM: Gestational trophoblastic disease (GTD) is a heterogeneous group of disorders characterised by abnormal proliferation of trophoblastic tissue. Since GTD and its malignant sequel gestational trophoblastic neoplasia (GTN) are rare diseases, little evidence is available from randomised controlled trials on optimal treatment and follow-up. Treatment protocols vary within Europe, and even between different centres within countries. One of the goals of the 'European Organisation for Treatment of Trophoblastic Diseases' (EOTTD) is to harmonise treatment in Europe. To provide a basis for European standardisation of definitions, treatment and follow-up protocols in GTD, we composed a set of guidelines for minimal requirements and optimal management of GTD.
METHODS: Members from each EOTTD country attended multiple workshops during annual EOTTD meetings. Clinical guidelines were formulated by consensus and evidence where available. The following guidelines were discussed: diagnostics of GTD and GTN, treatment of low-risk GTN, high-risk GTN, ultra-high-risk GTN, placental site and epithelioid trophoblastic tumours and follow-up.
RESULTS: Between 40 and 65 EOTTD members from 17 European countries and 7 non-European countries attended the clinical workshops held on 6 occasions. Flow diagrams for patient management were composed to display minimum and best practice for most treatment situations. New agreed definitions of recurrence and chemotherapy resistance were formulated.
CONCLUSIONS: Despite the many differences between and within the participating countries, an important step in uniform treatment of GTD and GTN within Europe was made by the Clinical Working Party of the EOTTD. This is an example on how guidelines and harmonisation can be achieved within international networks.
Disciplines :
Reproductive medicine (gynecology, andrology, obstetrics)
Author, co-author :
Lok, Christianne; Department of Gynecologic Oncology, Centre for Gynecologic Oncology Amsterdam, Location Antoni van Leeuwenhoek - The Netherlands Cancer Institute, Amsterdam, the Netherlands. Electronic address:
van Trommel, Nienke; Department of Gynecologic Oncology, Centre for Gynecologic Oncology Amsterdam, Location Antoni van Leeuwenhoek - The Netherlands Cancer Institute, Amsterdam, the Netherlands
Massuger, Leon; Department of Gynecologic Oncology, Radboud University Medical Hospital, Nijmegen, the Netherlands
Golfier, François; Department of Gynecologic and Oncologic Surgery and Obstetrics, French Trophoblastic Disease Centre, Lyon University Hospitals, Lyon Sud Hospital, France
Seckl, Michael; Charing Cross Gestational Trophoblastic Disease Centre, Charing Cross Hospital, Imperial College London, London, UK. Electronic address:
Clinical Working Party of the EOTTD
Goffin, Frédéric ; Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Liège - CHU > > Service de gynécologie-obstétrique (CHR) ; as member of The Clinical Working Party of the EOTTD
Language :
Title :
Practical clinical guidelines of the EOTTD for treatment and referral of gestational trophoblastic disease.
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