[en] This paper presents a cross-sector analysis of a 100 kWp vertical agrivoltaic (AV) case study in Chanco, Maule, Chile. Maule is an agricultural region facing recurring droughts, which put pressure on irrigated lands. The study investigates the potential of vertical AV in two ways: comparing the energy yield prediction of the photovoltaic component with a typical north-tilted PV plant and comparing the water demand of a reference crop in vertical AV with open field conditions. A PVLib and PVFactors python tools were used to evaluate energy production, while spatial evapotranspiration prediction incorporates wind speed and solar irradiation heterogeneities. Results for the climatic year 2021 indicate that a north-tilted power plant produced more energy than a bi-facial vertical AV plant, but the latter represents a significantly less impact on agricultural activities. The analyzed vertical AV presents a lower impact to the grid due to the two peaks in daily power production that spread the generation over the day and does not contribute to the overproduction in the midday that is currently being curtailed when high solar irradiance is present in Chile. Water savings of up to 1410 m3/ha were found in the study with the vertical AV installation mainly due to the reduced irradiation combined with windbreak effects.
Disciplines :
Agriculture & agronomy Energy
Author, co-author :
Bruhwyler, Roxane ; Université de Liège - ULiège > TERRA Research Centre
Sánchez, Hugo ; Hochschule Anhalt University of Applied Sciences, Köthen, Germany ; Costa Rica Institute of Technology, Cartago, Costa Rica
Meza, Carlos ; Hochschule Anhalt University of Applied Sciences, Köthen, Germany ; Costa Rica Institute of Technology, Cartago, Costa Rica
Lebeau, Frédéric ; Université de Liège - ULiège > Département GxABT > Biosystems Dynamics and Exchanges (BIODYNE)
Brunet, Pascal; Naldeo Technologies Industries, Tarnos, France
Dabadie, Gabriel; Naldeo Technologies Industries, Tarnos, France
Dittmann, Sebastian; Hochschule Anhalt University of Applied Sciences, Köthen, Germany ; Fraunhofer-Center for Silicon Photovoltaics CSP, Halle, Germany
Gottschalg, Ralph; Hochschule Anhalt University of Applied Sciences, Köthen, Germany ; Fraunhofer-Center for Silicon Photovoltaics CSP, Halle, Germany
Negroni, Juan Jose; Universidad de Santo Tomás, Santiago, Chile
Language :
Title :
Vertical agrivoltaics and its potential for electricity production and agricultural water demand: A case study in the area of Chanco, Chile
The research and writing effort for the authors from Anhalt University of Applied Sciences is supported by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research under the project “Biodiversity in solar parks - Innovative concepts and construction of demonstrators for a better compatibility of photovoltaic systems, nature conservation and agriculture (BIODIV-SOLAR)”. Funding code: 13FH133KX0The research effort for the authors from University of Liège in Belgium is based upon work that is supported by the FRIA grant 40015573 from FNRS .
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