Breach; channel width; fluvial dike; laboratory experiment; non-cohesive; numerical model; overtopping flow; Channel width; Channel widths; Dike breaching; Fluvial dike; Fluvials; Hydrographs; Laboratory experiments; Non-cohesive; Overtopping flow; Civil and Structural Engineering; Water Science and Technology
Abstract :
[en] Laboratory experiments were conducted on the breaching of homogeneous non-cohesive sandy fluvial dikes induced by flow overtopping. Tests were conducted using a main channel, an erodible lateral dike and a floodplain. The main channel width and Froude number prior to overtopping were systematically varied. Breach discharge was deduced from water level measurements and mass conservation. High-resolution 3D reconstructions of the evolving breach geometry were obtained using a non-intrusive laser profilometry technique. The main channel width and Froude number show significant influence on the breach expansion and hydrograph. Breach hydrographs are divided into three types, depending on the Froude number and a non-dimensional main channel width. An adapted fluvial dike breaching model based on the concept of “effective breach width” is proposed. Using the laboratory data, the computed breach discharge is found extremely satisfactory, although the breach downstream expansion is not accurately reproduced by the model.
Disciplines :
Civil engineering
Author, co-author :
Schmitz, Vincent ; Université de Liège - ULiège > Urban and Environmental Engineering
Rifai, Ismail; Hydro-Québec, Montréal, Canada
Kheloui, Lydia; National Laboratory for Hydraulics and Environment, Research & Development Division, Electricité de France, Chatou, France
Erpicum, Sébastien ; Université de Liège - ULiège > Urban and Environmental Engineering
Archambeau, Pierre ; Université de Liège - ULiège > Département ArGEnCo > HECE (Hydraulics in Environnemental and Civil Engineering)
Violeau, Damien; National Laboratory for Hydraulics and Environment, Research & Development Division, Electricité de France, Saint-Venant Laboratory for Hydraulics, Chatou, France
Pirotton, Michel ; Université de Liège - ULiège > Département ArGEnCo > HECE (Hydraulics in Environnemental and Civil Engineering)
El Kadi Abderrezzak, Kamal; National Laboratory for Hydraulics and Environment, Research & Development Division, Electricité de France, Saint-Venant Laboratory for Hydraulics, Chatou, France
Dewals, Benjamin ; Université de Liège - ULiège > Département ArGEnCo > Hydraulics in Environmental and Civil Engineering
Language :
Title :
Main channel width effects on overtopping-induced non-cohesive fluvial dike breaching
This work was partially funded by the Association Nationale de Recherche et de la Technologie (ANRT) [CIFRE 2015/0015 and CIFRE 2018/1235], the European Regional Development Fund (Programme Opérationnel Interrégional Rhône-Saône 2014–2020) and EDF.
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