Vibrational studies of molybdates, tungstates and related compounds-I. New infrared data and assignments for the scheelite-type compounds XIIMoO4 and XIIWO4
Tarte, Pierre; Duyckaerts, Monique
1972 • In Spectrochimica Acta.Part A, Molecular Spectroscopy, 28 (11), p. 2029 - 2036
TARTE Pierre - Vibrational studies of molybdates, tungstates and related compounds__I. New infrared data assignement for the scheelite-type compounds X¹¹MoO₄ and X¹¹WO₄.pdf
Duyckaerts, Monique ; Université de Liège - ULiège > Département de chimie (sciences) > Chimie inorganique structurale
Language :
Title :
Vibrational studies of molybdates, tungstates and related compounds-I. New infrared data and assignments for the scheelite-type compounds XIIMoO4 and XIIWO4
Alternative titles :
[fr] Études vibrationnelles des molybdates, tungstates et composés apparentés-I. Nouvelles données infrarouges et assignations pour les composés de type scheelite XIIMoO4 et XIIWO4
Publication date :
Journal title :
Spectrochimica Acta.Part A, Molecular Spectroscopy
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