Unpublished conference/Abstract (Scientific congresses and symposiums)
Comparing morphosyntactic patterns in Katukinan, Harakmbut and Arawan: Genealogical relations or language contact?
Van Linden, An; Gerardi, Fabricio Ferraz
202356th Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea (SLE56)
Peer reviewed Dataset


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Abstract :
[en] This paper investigates hypotheses about the genealogical relationship between the Katukinan (K), Harakmbut (H), and Arawan (A) language families put forward in the past two decades. Adelaar (2000) was the first to propose a genetic link between the Katukinan and Harakmbut families, adducing mainly lexical evidence (viz. 53 (near-)cognate lexical items); cognacy of grammatical items was scarce (only a handful of items). In his (2007) paper, Adelaar added data on Katawixí to the picture, also drawing on lexical evidence. Subsequently, Jolkesky (2016) put forward the addition of one more family to the genetic grouping, viz. the Arawan family, again on the basis of lexical correspondences. However, morphosyntactic evidence for these hypotheses has been slim and unsystematic. This paper will further investigate this type of evidence in two ways. On the one hand, it takes a wide-scope approach, comparing grammatical descriptions of the three families. It will show that these families differ considerably in core aspects or areas of grammar. For instance, Katukina-Kanamari codes all TAM distinctions (except durative aspect) as clause-level particles (Queixalós Forthcoming), while Harakmbut codes them through suffixes attached to the finite verb (Van linden 2023). The marking of grammatical relations is also different. In Katukina-Kanamari, intransitive verbs go uninflected for person, as do transitive verbs if the subject participant is expressed by an external NP (Queixalós Forthcoming), as in (1). In Harakmbut, by contrast, all finite verb forms carry person prefixes, as in (2), with transitive verbs showing a hierarchical indexation system in which speech act participant O-arguments trigger relational person prefixes (Van linden 2022); compare oʔ-wek-me in (2) for a 3SG-acting-on-3SG configuration with mbeʔ-wek-ay-me-ne in (3) for a 3SG-acting-on-1SG configuration. Katukina-Kanamari: (1) pi:da-na= wu-tu niama tyohi. jaguar-CASE= want-NEG then PalmSp.FruitBeverage ‘Then the jaguar did not want the palm sp.-fruit beverage.’ (Queixalós Forthcoming) Harakmbut (Arakmbut/Amarakaeri variety): (2) wa-mationka-eri oʔ-wek-me keme-ta NMLZ-hunt-AN 3SG.IND-wound.with.arrow-REC.PST tapir-ACC ‘The hunter pierced the tapir.’ (Van linden 2023: 463) (3) wa-mationka-eri mbeʔ-wek-ay-me-ne NMLZ-hunt-AN 3SG>1/2SG-wound.with.arrow-AVRT-REC.PST-IND ‘The hunter almost pierced me.’ (Van linden 2023: 463) Other areas in which these two families pattern differently include the marking of grammatical relations on dependents, adnominal possession, evidentiality, the coding of oblique participants, and noun incorporation. Such differences seem hard to reconcile with genetic relatedness. On the other hand, we will compare inflectional and derivational formatives from the three language families, looking for grammatical cognacy much like the Katukinan-Arawan-Harakmbut Database (KAHD) (Gerardi et al. 2022, Gerardi et al. In preparation) seeks to identify lexical cognates. The languages included in this ‘grammatical’ database are Arakmbut/Amarakaeri (H), Deni (A), Jarawara (A), Kanamari (K), Kulina (A), Paumari (A) and Sorowaha (A). We also added Apurinã (Arawak) to the database, as it has been in contact with Katukinan and Arawan languages (Facundes 2000). These two ways of comparing morphosyntactic information, constructions and cognacy of morphemes, will allow us to shed more light on the question of whether these families are genetically related or if the similar lexical, morphological, and morphosyntactic patterns are due to horizontal transfer (borrowing of pattern and/or matter).
Research Center/Unit :
Lilith - Liège, Literature, Linguistics - ULiège
Disciplines :
Languages & linguistics
Author, co-author :
Van Linden, An  ;  Université de Liège - ULiège > Département de langues modernes : linguistique, littérature et traduction > Linguistique synchronique anglaise
Gerardi, Fabricio Ferraz
Language :
Title :
Comparing morphosyntactic patterns in Katukinan, Harakmbut and Arawan: Genealogical relations or language contact?
Publication date :
29 August 2023
Event name :
56th Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea (SLE56)
Event organizer :
National and Kapodistrian University of Athens
Event place :
Athens, Greece
Event date :
29 August – 1 September 2023
Event number :
Audience :
Peer reviewed :
Peer reviewed
References of the abstract :
Adelaar, Willem F. (2000), Propuesta de un nuevo vínculo genético entre dos grupos lingüísticos indígenas de la Amazonía occidental: Harakmbut y Katukina, in L. Miranda Esquerre (ed.), Actas del i congreso de lenguas indígenas de sudamérica, vol. 2, Lima: U. Ricardo Palma, 219–236. Adelaar, Willem F. (2007), Ensayo de clasificación del Katawixí dentro del conjunto Harakmbut-Katukina, in A. Romero-Figueroa, A. Fernández Garay and A. Corbera Mori (eds.), Lenguas indígenas de américa del sur: Estudios descriptivo-tipológicos y sus contribuciones para la lingüística teórica, Caracas: Universidad Católica Andrés Bello, 159–169. Facundes, Sidney Da Silva (2000), The language of the Apurinã people of Brazil (Maipure/Arawak), Unpublished doctoral dissertation, State University of New York at Buffalo. Gerardi, Fabrício. F., Carolina C. Aragon, and Stanislav Reichert (2022), KAHD: Katukinan-Arawan-Harakmbut Database (Pre-release). Journal of Open Humanities Data, 8, 18. DOI: http://doi.org/10.5334/johd.80 Gerardi, Fabrício. F., Carolina C. Aragon, Stanislav Reichert, Alan Vogel, and An Van linden (in preparation), KAHD: Katukinan-Arawan-Harakmbut Database (v.1). Previous release available at: DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7536378 Jolkesky, Marcelo (2016), Estudo arqueo-ecolinguístico das terras tropicais Sul-Americanas. Unpublished doctoral dissertation. Universidade de Brasília. Queixalós, Francesc (Forthcoming), Katukinan. In P. Epps and L. Michael (eds.), Amazonian Languages, An International Handbook, Berlin: de Gruyter Mouton. Van linden, An (2022). Spatial prefixes as applicatives in Harakmbut. In S. Pacchiarotti and F. Zúñiga (eds.), Applicative morphology: Neglected syntactic and non-syntactic functions, Berlin: De Gruyter, 129-159. https://doi.org/10.1515/9783110777949-006 Van linden, An (2023), Harakmbut, in P. Epps and L. Michael (eds.), Amazonian Languages, An International Handbook. Language Isolates, Volume 1: Aikanã to Kandozi-Shapra. Berlin: de Gruyter Mouton, 441-481. https://doi.org/10.1515/9783110419405-010
Data Set :
Katukinan-Arawan-Harakmbut Database (KAHD) (0.9.1) [Data set]

by Fabrício Ferraz Gerardi, Carolina Aragon, Fernando Orphão de Carvalho, Stanislav Reichert, Alan Vogel, & An Van linden. 2023

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