Humans; Self Efficacy; Learning; Patient Education as Topic; Chronic disease; Discussion forum; Patient education; Self-directed learning; Social media; Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health
Abstract :
[en] [en] INTRODUCTION: Online Health Forums (OHFs) allow patient learning and therapeutic patient education (TPE). To reinforce the pedagogical dimension of these tools, it is necessary to understand the learning processes and conditions involved in OHFs. A potential framework for the analysis of this phenomenon is self-directed learning (SDL).
OBJECTIVE: The objective is to propose a framework for the analysis of learning and TPE in OHFs, based on existing SDL theories. This could allow to identify the learning characteristics of OHFs and to identify potential implications for TPE.
METHOD: A narrative review was conducted on the basis of 40 publications whose analysis through three categories (elements of SDL's definition, learner role and environmental impact) allowed to identify the explanatory theories of SDL.
RESULTS: The main result is a proposition for an analytical framework to examine OHFs according to their self-formative characteristics and, then, discuss their links with TPE programs. Indeed, similar principles between SDL and TPE are emerging such as the identification of needs, the autonomy of patients/learners, and the place of Self Efficacy. These similarities highlight the potential complementarity between OHFs and SDL.
CONCLUSION: SDL allows us to understand how Internet users learn on OHFs. Although links between SDL, OHFs and TPE are identified, a better understanding of the learning modes used in OHFs and their functioning according to the user profile could clarify their learning potential and their empowering effect.
Disciplines :
Treatment & clinical psychology
Author, co-author :
Deccache, Carole; Laboratoire Éducations et Pratiques de Santé (LEPS) EA3412, Université Paris 13, Sorbonne – Paris Cité, Bobigny, France ; Clinique du Château de Vernhes, Bondigoux, France
Morsa, Maxime ; Université de Liège - ULiège > Département de Psychologie > Recherche qualitative ; Laboratoire Éducations et Pratiques de Santé (LEPS) EA3412, Université Paris 13, Sorbonne – Paris Cité, Bobigny, France
Sanguignol, Frédéric; Clinique du Château de Vernhes, Bondigoux, France
Gagnayre, Rémi; Laboratoire Éducations et Pratiques de Santé (LEPS) EA3412, Université Paris 13, Sorbonne – Paris Cité, Bobigny, France
Language :
Title :
L’autoformation, cadre d’analyse de l’apprentissage des patients sur les forums de santé
Alternative titles :
[en] Self-directed learning: A framework for understanding therapeutic patient education through online health forums.
Publication date :
Journal title :
Santé Publique: Revue Multidisciplinaire pour la Recherche et l'Action
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