Floquet engineering; cold gases in optical lattices; parametric instability; Multidisciplinary
Abstract :
[en] In quantum gases, two-body interactions are responsible for a variety of instabilities that depend on the characteristics of both trapping and interactions. These instabilities can lead to the appearance of new structures or patterns. We report on the Floquet engineering of such a parametric instability, on a Bose-Einstein condensate held in a time-modulated optical lattice. The modulation triggers a destabilization of the condensate into a state exhibiting a density modulation with a new spatial periodicity. This new crystal-like order, which shares characteristic correlation properties with a supersolid, directly depends on the modulation parameters: The interplay between the Floquet spectrum and interactions generates narrow and adjustable instability regions, leading to the growth, from quantum or thermal fluctuations, of modes with a density modulation noncommensurate with the lattice spacing. This study demonstrates the production of metastable exotic states of matter through Floquet engineering and paves the way for further studies of dissipation in the resulting phase and of similar phenomena in other geometries.
Disciplines :
Author, co-author :
Dupont, Nathan ; Laboratoire Collisions Agrégats Réactivité, UMR 5589, Fédération de Recherche Matière et Interactions, Université Toulouse 3, CNRS, Toulouse, CEDEX 09 31062, France
Gabardos, Lucas; Laboratoire Collisions Agrégats Réactivité, UMR 5589, Fédération de Recherche Matière et Interactions, Université Toulouse 3, CNRS, Toulouse, CEDEX 09 31062, France
Arrouas, Floriane; Laboratoire Collisions Agrégats Réactivité, UMR 5589, Fédération de Recherche Matière et Interactions, Université Toulouse 3, CNRS, Toulouse, CEDEX 09 31062, France
Chatelain, Gabriel; Laboratoire Collisions Agrégats Réactivité, UMR 5589, Fédération de Recherche Matière et Interactions, Université Toulouse 3, CNRS, Toulouse, CEDEX 09 31062, France
Arnal, Maxime; Laboratoire Collisions Agrégats Réactivité, UMR 5589, Fédération de Recherche Matière et Interactions, Université Toulouse 3, CNRS, Toulouse, CEDEX 09 31062, France
Billy, Juliette; Laboratoire Collisions Agrégats Réactivité, UMR 5589, Fédération de Recherche Matière et Interactions, Université Toulouse 3, CNRS, Toulouse, CEDEX 09 31062, France
Schlagheck, Peter ; Université de Liège - ULiège > Département de physique > Physique quantique statistique
Peaudecerf, Bruno ; Laboratoire Collisions Agrégats Réactivité, UMR 5589, Fédération de Recherche Matière et Interactions, Université Toulouse 3, CNRS, Toulouse, CEDEX 09 31062, France
Guéry-Odelin, David ; Laboratoire Collisions Agrégats Réactivité, UMR 5589, Fédération de Recherche Matière et Interactions, Université Toulouse 3, CNRS, Toulouse, CEDEX 09 31062, France
Language :
Title :
Emergence of tunable periodic density correlations in a Floquet-Bloch system.
Publication date :
08 August 2023
Journal title :
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS. We thank Jean Dalibard for helpful discussions. This work was supported by research funding Grant No. ANR-17-CE30-0024. N.D. and F.A. acknowledge support from Région Occitanie and Université Toulouse III-Paul Sabatier. M.A. acknowledges support from the DGA (Direction Générale de l’Armement).
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