Autism Spectrum Disorder; Counseling; Empowerment; Needs assessment; Patient education as topic; Educational Status; Needs Assessment; Autism Spectrum Disorder/therapy; General Medicine
Abstract :
[en] [en] OBJECTIVE: Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a chronic neurodevelopmental disorder. Living with ASD requires that individuals and parents develop skills in order to cope with daily life. Education interventions are recommended to support them. This study aims to get an overview of education and training interventions in ASD.
METHODS: A scoping review of international literature was conducted.
RESULTS: 43 articles were analyzed. Four main types of intervention stand out: support groups, parental training; psychoeducation; therapeutic patient education. However, the majority of publications is focused on the parents rather than on individuals living with ASD, and the needs assessments identified focused on general needs rather than educational needs.
CONCLUSION: While educational interventions for parents and individuals with ASD are now encouraged, considerable heterogeneity is observed. But this variety is not based on a reasoned approach to matching supply and needs. Future studies could focus more on the educational needs of individuals with ASD.
PRACTICE IMPLICATIONS: Overview of education and training interventions in ASD help health care providers to better understand the strengths and limitations of their interventions.
Disciplines :
Social & behavioral sciences, psychology: Multidisciplinary, general & others
Author, co-author :
Morsa, Maxime ; Université de Liège - ULiège > Département de Psychologie > Recherche qualitative ; Université Sorbonne Paris Nord, Laboratoire Educations et Promotion de la santé, LEPS, UR 3412, F-93430, Villetaneuse, France. Electronic address: maxime.morsa@univ-paris13.f
De Andrade, Vincent; Université Sorbonne Paris Nord, Laboratoire Educations et Promotion de la santé, LEPS, UR 3412, F-93430, Villetaneuse, France
Alcaraz, Céline; CRA-LR, CeAND - University Hospital Center of Montpellier, France
De La Tribonnière, Xavier; Transversal Patient Education Unit (UTEP), University Hospital Center of Montpellier, France, University of Montpellier School of Medicine, France
Rattaz, Cécile; CRA-LR, CeAND - University Hospital Center of Montpellier, France
Baghdadli, Amaria; CRA-LR, CeAND - University Hospital Center of Montpellier, France, University of Montpellier School of Medicine, France, CESP Laboratory INSERM, France
Language :
Title :
A scoping review of education and training interventions in Autism Spectrum Disorder.
This work is part of a commission from the Interministerial Delegation for the National Autism Strategy within the broader landscape of neurodevelopmental disorders and the Directorate-General of Health / Sub-Directorate for Population Health and Chronic Disease Prevention (Paris, France), to write a report and recommendations on the integration of education on ASD for people living with ASD and their caregivers.
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