Pirotte et al., 2023 Internal differentiation and volatile budget of Mercury inferred from the partitioning of heat producing element at highly reduced conditions.pdf
Differentiation; Heat-producing elements; Mercury; Sulfur; Volatility; Astronomy and Astrophysics; Space and Planetary Science
Abstract :
[en] Understanding the behavior of elements under highly reduced conditions is fundamental to explain the differentiation, crust formation, and volatile budget of Mercury. Here we report experiments on a synthetic composition representative of the bulk silicate Mercury (BSM), at pressure up to 3 GPa, temperature up to 1720 °C, and under highly reduced conditions (∼IW − 8 to ∼IW − 1, with IW the iron-wüstite oxygen fugacity buffer). We determined partition coefficients for >30 minor and trace elements between silicate melt, metal melt (Fe–Si), sulfide melt (FeS), and MgS solid sulfides. Based on these results and published literature, we modeled the behavior of heat-producing elements (HPE: U, Th, and K) during Mercury's early differentiation and mantle partial melting and estimated their concentrations in the mantle and crust. We found that U, K and especially Th are principally concentrated in the BSM and did not partition into the core because they are not siderophile elements. Uranium is chalcophile under highly reduced conditions, and so our model suggests that an FeS layer at the core-mantle boundary formed during Mercury's primordial differentiation would likely have incorporated large amounts of U, significantly increasing the Th/U ratio of the BSM. However, this is inconsistent with the chondritic or slightly sub-chondritic Th/U ratios of Mercury's lavas. In addition, the likely presence of mantle sulfides, such as MgS, would have also fractionated U and Th, increasing the mantle Th/U. It is possible to have an FeS layer if Mercury formed under less reduced conditions, or if the building blocks of Mercury had Th/U ratios close to the lower end of chondritic data. If, as suggested by our model, no FeS layer formed during differentiation, it means that the majority of HPE are concentrated in Mercury's thin silicate part. Based on the compatibility of U, Th and K, we also show that surface K/Th and K/U ratios are respectively 2–4 times and 3–6 times lower than expected for initial K/Th and K/U ratios similar to enstatite chondrites, implying that the planet suffered an important volatile loss via mechanisms that remain undetermined.
F.R.S.-FNRS - Fonds de la Recherche Scientifique FWO - Fonds Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek Vlaanderen DFG - Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft FRIA - Fonds pour la Formation à la Recherche dans l'Industrie et dans l'Agriculture
Funding text :
HP was supported by the FRIA -FNRS ( Fonds pour la Formation à la Recherche dans l'Industrie et dans l'Agriculture - Fonds de la Recherche Scientifique) (grant FC 31865). ON acknowledges support from FWO through an Odysseus grant. BC is a Research Associate of the Belgian Fund for Scientific Research-FNRS. C. McCammon is thanked for her help with piston cylinder experiments at BGI. O. Namur acknowledges support from the DFG Core Facility for High-Pressure Research from the German Science Foundation for the high-pressure experiments performed at BGI. We are grateful to Rob Dennen for editing carefully the manuscript. We thank Asmaa Boujibar and an anonymous reviewer for their comments that greatly improved the manuscript. Doris Breuer is acknowledged for handling the manuscript.HP was supported by the FRIA-FNRS (Fonds pour la Formation à la Recherche dans l'Industrie et dans l'Agriculture - Fonds de la Recherche Scientifique) (grant FC 31865). ON acknowledges support from FWO through an Odysseus grant. BC is a Research Associate of the Belgian Fund for Scientific Research-FNRS. C. McCammon is thanked for her help with piston cylinder experiments at BGI. O. Namur acknowledges support from the DFG Core Facility for High-Pressure Research from the German Science Foundation for the high-pressure experiments performed at BGI. We are grateful to Rob Dennen for editing carefully the manuscript. We thank Asmaa Boujibar and an anonymous reviewer for their comments that greatly improved the manuscript. Doris Breuer is acknowledged for handling the manuscript.
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