Coronagraph; Formation-flying; On-board metrology; SiPM (Silicon Photomultipliers); Solar Corona; SPS (Shadow Position Sensors); Sun pointing; Formation flying; On-board metrologies; Position sensors; Silicon photomultiplier; Solar corona; Aerospace Engineering; Control and Optimization; Instrumentation
Abstract :
[en] PROBA-3 is a two-spacecraft ESA mission carrying the space-based diluted coronagraph ASPIICS. The imaging instrument is hosted on the first spacecraft with the second acting as external occulter. In order to accomplish the payload's scientific tasks, PROBA-3 will ensure sub-millimeter reciprocal positioning of its two satellites by means of closedloop on-board metrology. The Shadow Position Sensors (SPS) sense the penumbra around the instrument aperture and return the 3-D displacement of the coronagraph satellite with respect to its nominal position by running a dedicated algorithm. In this paper we describe how the SPS works and the choices made in order to accomplish the mission objectives.
Disciplines :
Space science, astronomy & astrophysics
Author, co-author :
Noce, Vladimiro; Dept of Physics and Astronomy, University of Florence INAF, Arcetri Astrophysical Observatory, Florence, Italy
AESS - Aerospace & Electronic Systems Society IEEE - Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers IEEE-IMS - IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Society
Funding text :
A special thanks to the European Space Agency (ESA) for the support provided by the PROBA-3 Managerial and Technical Staff and for the financial support concerning the contract with CSL and subcontractors, subscribed for the Payload Instrument design and development (C/D Phases); AES Chapter - IEEE Italy Section
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