Soil ridging combined with biochar or calcium-magnesium-phosphorus fertilizer application: Enhanced interaction with Ca, Fe and Mn in new soil habitat reduces uptake of As and Cd in rice
[en] Reducing the bioavailability of both cadmium (Cd) and arsenic (As) in paddy fields is a worldwide challenge. The authors investigated whether ridge cultivation combined with biochar or calcium-magnesium-phosphorus (CMP) fertilizer effectively reduces the accumulation of Cd and As in rice grains. Field trial showed that applying biochar or CMP on the ridges was similar to the continuous flooding, which maintained grain Cd at a low level, but grain As was reduced by 55.6%, 46.8% (IIyou28) and 61.9%, 59.3% (Ruiyou 399). Compared with ridging alone, the application of biochar or CMP decreased grain Cd by 38.7%, 37.8% (IIyou28) and 67.58%, 60.98% (Ruiyou399), and reduced grain As by 38.9%, 26.9% (IIyou28) and 39.7%, 35.5% (Ruiyou 399). Microcosm experiment showed that applying biochar and CMP on the ridges decreased As in soil solution by 75.6% and 82.5%, respectively, and kept Cd at a comparably low level at 0.13–0.15 μg L−1. Aggregated boosted tree (ABT) analysis revealed that ridge cultivation combined with soil amendments altered soil pH, redox state (Eh) and enhanced the interaction of Ca, Fe, Mn with As and Cd, which promoted the concerted reduction of As and Cd bioavailability. Application of biochar on the ridges enhanced the effects of Ca and Mn to maintain a low level of Cd, and enhanced the effects of pH to reduce As in soil solution. Similar to ridging alone, applying CMP on the ridges enhanced the effects of Mn to reduce As in soil solution, and enhanced the effects of pH and Mn to maintain Cd at a low level. Ridging also promoted the association of As with poorly/well-crystalline Fe/Al and the association of Cd on Mn-oxides. This study provides an effective and environmentally friendly method to decrease Cd and As bioavailability in paddy fields and mitigate Cd and As accumulation in rice grain.
Disciplines :
Environmental sciences & ecology
Author, co-author :
Zhang, Ting ; Université de Liège - ULiège > TERRA Research Centre
Jiku, MdAbuSayem
Li, Lingyi
Ren, Yanxin
Li, Lijuan
Zeng, Xibai
Colinet, Gilles ; Université de Liège - ULiège > TERRA Research Centre > Echanges Eau - Sol - Plantes
Sun, Yuanyuan
Huo, Lijuan
Su, Shiming
Language :
Title :
Soil ridging combined with biochar or calcium-magnesium-phosphorus fertilizer application: Enhanced interaction with Ca, Fe and Mn in new soil habitat reduces uptake of As and Cd in rice
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