[en] Heat stress implies unfavorable effects on primary and functional traits in dairy cattle and, in consequence, on the profitability of the whole production system. The increasing number of days with extreme hot temperatures suggests that it is imperative to detect the heat stress status of animals based on adequate measures. However, confirming the heat stress status of an individual is still challenging, and, in consequence, the identification of novel heat stress biomarkers, including molecular biomarkers, remains a very relevant issue. Currently, it is known that heat stress seems to have unfavorable effects on immune system mechanisms, but this information is of limited use in the context of heat stress phenotyping. In addition, there is a lack of knowledge addressing the molecular mechanisms linking the relevant genes to the observed phenotype. In this review, we explored the potential molecular mechanisms explaining how heat stress affects the immune system and, therefore, increases the occurrence of immune-related diseases in cattle. In this regard, 2 relatively opposite hypotheses are under focus: the immunosuppressive action of cortisol, and the proinflammatory effect of heat stress. In both hypotheses, the modulation of the immune response during heat stress is highlighted. Moreover, it is possible to link candidate genes to these potential mechanisms. In this context, immune markers are very valuable indicators for the detection of heat stress in dairy cattle, broadening the portfolio of potential biomarkers for heat stress.
F.R.S.-FNRS - Fonds de la Recherche Scientifique ULiège - Université de Liège Interreg North-West Europe SPW - Service Public de Wallonie DFG - Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft
Funding text :
Sven König and Katharina May acknowledge funding from the German National Science Foundation (DFG, Bonn, Germany), through grant number KO 3520/8-1. Nicolas Gengler and Pauline Lemal acknowledge the INTERREG NWE HappyMoo project, grant agreement NWE 730, co-financed by the Walloon Government (Service Public de Wallonie, Namur, Belgium). Pauline Lemal acknowledges her special scholarship of the University of Liège–Gembloux Agro-Bio Tech (Gembloux, Belgium) and Katrien Wijnrocx ((University of Liège, Gembloux Agro-Bio Tech, Gembloux, Belgium) for her proofreading and her daily help. Nicolas Gengler, as a former senior research associate, acknowledges the support of the National Fund for Scientific Research (Brussels, Belgium) also through grant number T.W005.23 (WEAVE-DFG “HTwoTHI”). Because no human or animal subjects were used, this analysis did not require approval by an Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee or Institutional Review Board. The authors have not stated any conflicts of interest.
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