[en] Following my previous work on scribal practices in Greek medical writings, especially on the graphic signs that accompany these texts on papyrus, parchment, ostracon and tablets, whose first part on punctuation was published in 2019, this paper lists all the critical and utilitarian signs attested in Greek medical papyri of the Ptolemaic, Roman and Byzantine periods, which are either directly associated with editorial work or were added by the scribe or corrector to provide the reader with practical information about the text. The study also reflects on the methods of correction, from the simple correction of careless copyists’ blunders to interventions of scholarly physicians. In doing so, I aim to better understand how the ancients conceived the writing of medical works, and how they read, cited, and used them.
Research Center/Unit :
CEDOPAL - Mondes anciens. Centre de Documentation de Papyrologie Littéraire - ULiège
Disciplines :
Classical & oriental studies
Author, co-author :
Ricciardetto, Antonio ; Université de Liège - ULiège > Mondes anciens > Mondes anciens: Centre de Documentation de Papyrologie Littéraire (CEDOPAL)
Language :
Title :
Système de correction et signes critiques ou utilitaires dans les papyrus grecs de médecine
Publication date :
Journal title :
Segno e Testo: International Journal of Manuscripts and Text Transmission