[en] Several investigators described the occurrence of ecotropic recombinant proviruses in the DNA of in-vivo or in-vitro propagated radio-induced lymphomas, but such proviruses were never detected in primary tumors. To assess their biological significance in the tumorigenic process, we reinvestigated the presence of new proviruses chiefly in primary radio-induced tumors and in models of radioleukemogenesis which could give additional support for their role. Such models included thymic lymphomas originating after (i) graft of non-irradiated thymuses in thymectomized irradiated mice and (ii) the injection of a B-ecotropic retrovirus (T1223/B) in association with a subleukemogenic dose of irradiation. We report for the first time that new ecotropic proviral sequences are encountered in a significant number (30%) of primary lymphomas induced directly by irradiation or indirectly in non-irradiated thymuses grafted in irradiated hosts. The existence of a 3.5-kbp Kpn1 restriction fragment with ecotropic sequences in the digested DNA of these tumor cells indicates that these new sequences belong to an ecotropic provirus recombinant in the gag-pol region. We observed that most of the primary radio-induced tumors in which novel recombinant provirus could be detected, displayed the integration at a single or at a few sites, demonstrating their clonality with respect to viral integration. The same was observed in thymic lymphomas arising after T1223/B virus injection and irradiation and in in-vivo or in-vitro propagated tumors. Altogether, these data bring the first evidence of the integration of ecotropic recombinant proviral genomes in a significant number of primary radiation induced thymic lymphomas and of their possible role in view of their frequent occurrence in grafted thymomas.
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