Article (Scientific journals)
EEG signature of out-of-body experiences induced by virtual reality: a novel methodological approach
Martial, Charlotte; CASSOL, Héléna; Slater, Mel et al.
2023In Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi


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Abstract :
[en] Out-of-body experiences (OBE) are subjective experiences of seeing one’s own body and the environment from a location outside the physical body. They can arise spontaneously or in specific conditions, such as during the intake of dissociative drug. Given its unpredictable occurrence, one way to empirically study it is to induce subjective experiences resembling an OBE using technology such as virtual reality (VR). We employed a complex multisensory method of virtual embodiment in a VR scenario with seven healthy participants to induce virtual OBE-like experiences. Participants performed two conditions in a randomly determined order. For both conditions, the participant’s viewpoint was lifted out of the virtual body towards the ceiling of the virtual room, and real body movements were (visuo-tactile ON [VT] condition) or were not (visuo-tactile OFF [noVT] condition) translated into movements on the virtual body below –the latter aiming to maintain a feeling of connection with the virtual body. A continuous 128-electrode EEG was recorded. Participants reported subjective experiences of floating in the air and of feeling high up in the virtual room at a strong intensity, but a weak to moderate feeling of being ‘out of their body’ in both conditions. The EEG analysis revealed that this subjective experience was associated with a power shift that manifested in an increase of delta and a decrease of alpha relative power. A reduction of theta complexity and an increase of beta-2 connectivity were also found. This support the growing body of evidence revealing a prominent role of delta activity during particular conscious states.
Research Center/Unit :
CHU de Liège-Centre du Cerveau² - ULiège [BE]
Disciplines :
Neurosciences & behavior
Author, co-author :
Martial, Charlotte  ;  Université de Liège - ULiège > GIGA > GIGA Consciousness - Coma Science Group
CASSOL, Héléna ;  Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Liège - CHU > > Service de médecine de l'appareil locomoteur
Slater, Mel
Bourdin, Pierre
Mensen, Armand
Ramon, Oliva
Laureys, Steven   ;  Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Liège - CHU > > Centre du Cerveau²
Nunez Novo, Pablo   ;  Université de Liège - ULiège > Département des sciences cliniques
 These authors have contributed equally to this work.
Language :
Title :
EEG signature of out-of-body experiences induced by virtual reality: a novel methodological approach
Publication date :
Journal title :
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience
Publisher :
Cambridge Center for Behavioral Studies, United States
Peer reviewed :
Peer Reviewed verified by ORBi
Available on ORBi :
since 10 May 2023


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