Active learning; Curriculum; PSE education; 'current; Active Learning; Agile process; Chemical engineering education; Classroom settings; Future trends; Key process; Process system engineering education; Process systems engineering; Systems engineering education; Chemical Engineering (all); Computer Science Applications; General Chemical Engineering
Abstract :
[en] This paper investigates the current and future trends in the teaching of Process Systems Engineering (PSE) topics, addressing what should be taught and how these topics should be taught effectively in a classroom setting. It addresses which key PSE topics should constitute the core requirement of chemical engineering education and which application areas should be included. We surveyed existing courses on novel aspects of PSE applications, as well as polling PSE stakeholders to ascertain their opinion of what is taught and the degree to which graduates skills match their expectations. Existing gaps and interesting prospects have been revealed by the surveys leading to suggestions for the future. The second part of the contribution addresses how best the PSE content should be taught, so that our graduates are equipped to effectively apply their knowledge, given the availability of teaching technologies and the time available to effectively educate our students.
Disciplines :
Chemical engineering
Author, co-author :
Lewin, Daniel R. ; Chemical Engineering, Technion I. I. T., Haifa, Israel
Kondili, Emilia M.; Mechanical Engineering, University of West Attica, Greece
Cameron, Ian T.; Chemical Engineering, The University of Queensland, Australia
Léonard, Grégoire ; Université de Liège - ULiège > Department of Chemical Engineering > PEPs - Products, Environment, and Processes
Mansouri, Seyed Soheil; Chemical and Biochemical Engineering, Technical University of Denmark, Denmark
Martins, Fernando G.; LEPABE, Chemical Engineering Department, University of Porto, Portugal
Ricardez-Sandoval, Luis; Chemical Engineering, University of Waterloo, Canada
Sugiyama, Hirokazu; Chemical System Engineering, The University of Tokyo, Japan
Zondervan, Edwin; Chemical Engineering, University of Twente, Netherlands
Language :
Title :
Agile process systems engineering education: What to teach, and how to teach
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