Disorders of consciousness; brain injury; minimally conscious state; neurorehabilitation; unresponsive wakefulness syndrome; Consciousness; Consciousness Disorders/etiology; Health Services Accessibility; Humans; Surveys and Questionnaires; Brain Injuries/complications; Neurological Rehabilitation; Brain Injuries; Consciousness Disorders; Neuroscience (miscellaneous); Developmental and Educational Psychology; Neurology (clinical)
Abstract :
[en] [en] AIMS: The provision of rehabilitation services for people with disorders of consciousness (DoC) may vary due to geographical, financial, and political factors. The extent of this variability and the implementation of treatment standards across countries is unknown. This study explored international neurorehabilitation systems for people with DoC.
METHODS: An online survey (SurveyMonkey®) was disseminated to all members of the International Brain Injury Association (IBIA) DoC Special Interest Group (SIG) examining existing rehabilitation systems and access to them.
RESULTS: Respondents (n = 35) were from 14 countries. Specialized neurorehabilitation was available with varying degrees of access and duration. Commencement of specialized neurorehabilitation averaged 3-4 weeks for traumatic brain injury (TBI) and 5-8 weeks for non-traumatic brain injury (nTBI) etiologies. Length of stay in inpatient rehabilitation was 1-3 months for TBI and 4-6 months for nTBI. There were major differences in access to services and funding across countries. The majority of respondents felt there were not enough resources in place to provide appropriate neurorehabilitation.
CONCLUSIONS: There exists inter-country differences for DoC neurorehabilitation after severe acquired brain injury. Further work is needed to implement DoC treatment standards at an international level.
Disciplines :
Orthopedics, rehabilitation & sports medicine
Author, co-author :
Maurer-Karattup, Petra ; Head of Neuropsychology, SRH Fachkrankenhaus Neresheim (Specialty Hospital for Brain Injury), Neresheim, Germany
Zasler, Nathan ; Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Virginia Commonwealth University. CMO and CEO, Concussion Care Centre of Virginia, Ltd. And Tree of Life Services, Inc, Richmond, Virginia, USA
Thibaut, Aurore ; Université de Liège - ULiège > GIGA > GIGA Consciousness - Coma Science Group
Poulsen, Ingrid ; Head of Research, Rubric (Research Unit on Brain Injury Rehabilitation), Department of Neurorehabilitation, Traumatic Brain Injury, Copenhagen University Hospital, Hvidovre , Denmark ; Research Unit of Nursing and Health Care, Aarhus University, Denmark
Lejeune, Nicolas ; Université de Liège - ULiège > GIGA > GIGA Consciousness - Coma Science Group ; Institute of NeuroScience, University of Louvain, Belgium ; CHN William Lennox, Ottignies-Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium
Formisano, Rita ; Research Institute Santa Lucia FoundationDirector of Neurorehabilitation Hospital and Post-Coma Unit, Rome, Italy
Løvstad, Marianne ; Department of Research, Sunnaas Rehabilitation Hospital, Nesodden, Norway ; Department of Psychology, University of Oslo, Oslo, Norway
Hauger, Solveig; Department of Research, Sunnaas Rehabilitation Hospital, Nesodden, Norway ; Department of Psychology, University of Oslo, Oslo, Norway
Morrissey, Ann-Marie ; School of Allied Health, Faculty of Education and Health Sciences, Ageing Research Centre, Health Research Institute, University of Limerick, Limerick, Ireland
Language :
Title :
Neurorehabilitation for people with disorders of consciousness: an international survey of health-care structures and access to treatment, (Part 1).
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