[en] AIM: To give an overview of the workflow from examination to planning and execution, including possible errors and pitfalls, in order to justify the indications for guided surgery. MATERIAL AND METHODS: An electronic literature search of the PubMed database was performed with the intention of collecting relevant information on computer-supported implant planning and guided surgery. RESULTS: Currently, different computer-supported systems are available to optimize and facilitate implant surgery. The transfer of the implant planning (in a software program) to the operative field remains however the most difficult part. Guided implant surgery clearly reduces the inaccuracy, defined as the deviation between the planned and the final position of the implant in the mouth. It might be recommended for the following clinical indications: need for minimal invasive surgery, optimization of implant planning and positioning (i.e. aesthetic cases), and immediate restoration. CONCLUSIONS: The digital technology rapidly evolves and new developments have resulted in further improvement of the accuracy. Future developments include the reduction of the number of steps needed from the preoperative examination of the patient to the actual execution of the guided surgery. The latter will become easier with the implementation of optical scans and 3D-printing.
Disciplines :
Dentistry & oral medicine
Author, co-author :
Vercruyssen, Marjolein; Department of Oral Health Sciences, Periodontology, Faculty of Medicine, Catholic
Laleman, Isabelle ; Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Liège - CHU > > Service de parodontologie, chirurgie bucco-dentaire et chirurgie implantaire ; Department of Oral Health Sciences, Periodontology, Faculty of Medicine, Catholic
Jacobs, Reinhilde; OMFS IMPATH research group, Department of Imaging & Pathology, Faculty of
Quirynen, Marc; Department of Oral Health Sciences, Periodontology, Faculty of Medicine, Catholic
Language :
Title :
Computer-supported implant planning and guided surgery: a narrative review.
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