algal reproduction, cell division, crater lake, hypersaline lake, hypertrophic lake, phytoplankton, Pleurocapsales, shallow lake
Abstract :
[en] The paper describes a new genus and new species of Cyanoprokaryota, referred to
Pleurocapsales incertae sedis – Cyanocystopsis kitagatae gen. et sp. nov. The new taxon is characterized by the presence of two different stages (filamentous, formed by spherical cells and stalked bundles of claviform cells). The branching of filaments, which leads to the formation of clusters of claviform cells, is caused by cell division, which slightly resembles the true-branching of cyanoprokaryotes. However, this division is peculiar by its subsequent character and excentric disposition of the daughter cells, which leads to the formation of specific tetrads, from which the claviform cells develop. Spores (aplanospores) and vegetative reproductive stages of the alga have been observed. The new species was
found as a dominant in a fixed phytoplankton sample from the small, hypertrophic and hypersaline tropical crater lake Kitagata (Uganda, Africa). The pigment marker analysis of the same sample proved the high (ca 96%) cyanoprokaryote contribution to the phytoplankton biomass.
Disciplines :
Aquatic sciences & oceanology
Author, co-author :
Stoyneva-Gärtner, MP; Sofia University > Department of Botany
Gärtner, Georg; UIBK - Innsbruck University [AT] > Institut für Botanik
Uzunov, Blagoy; Sofia University > Department of Botany
Descy, Jean-Pierre ; Université de Liège - ULiège > Département d'astrophysique, géophysique et océanographie (AGO) > Chemical Oceanography Unit (COU)
Okello, William; NAFIRRI > Jinja, Uganda
Language :
Title :
Cyanocystopsis kitagatae gen. et sp. nov. (Cyanoprokaryota/ Cyanobacteria) from the tropical lake Kitagata (Uganda, Africa)
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