Funding text :
The authors are grateful to M. Mezouar andW.A. Crichton
(ESRF ID27) for in-house beamtime allocation and for their
help during Neon gaz loading of the DACs. We acknowledge
the SOLEIL facility for provision of synchrotron radiation
under Proposal No. 20191842.This work was supported by the
Innovative Training Networks (ITN) Marie Sklodowska-Curie
Actions-European Joint Doctorate in Functional Material
Research (EJDFunMat) (Project No. 641640). DFT-based calculations
have been performed on the NIC4 and NIC5 clusters
hosted at the University of Liège, within the “Consortium des
Équipements de Calcul Intensif” (CÉCI), funded by F.R.SFNRS
(Grant No. 2.5020.1) and by theWalloon Region (Grant
No. 1117545). C.T., M.G., J.K. acknowledge financial support
from the Fond National de Recherche Luxembourg through
a PEARL Grant (No. FNR/P12/4853155/Kreisel). D.A. is
grateful to S. Picozzi (CNR-SPIN) and to M. Verstraete and
B. Dupé (ULiege) for the time allowed to work on the writing
of this paper.
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