Paper published in a book (Scientific congresses and symposiums)
Comparative study of the influence of traditional walls with different typologies and constructive techniques on the energy performance of the traditional dwellings of the Casbah of Algiers
Arrar, Fawzi Hicham ; Affiliations Environnement et Technologie pour l’Architecture et le Patrimoine (ETAP), Institute of Architecture and Urbanism, University of Blida1, Blida 0900, Algeria
Kaoula Dalel; Environnement et Technologie pour l’Architecture et le Patrimoine (ETAP), Institute of Architecture and Urbanism, University of Blida1, Blida 0900, Algeria
Amina Abdessemed Foufa; Environnement et Technologie pour l’Architecture et le Patrimoine (ETAP), Institute of Architecture and Urbanism, University of Blida1, Blida 0900, Algeria
Language :
Title :
Comparative study of the influence of traditional walls with different typologies and constructive techniques on the energy performance of the traditional dwellings of the Casbah of Algiers
Publication date :
Event name :
1st International Conference on Engineering Solutions for Sustainable Development (ICESSD 2019)
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