digital humanities; Knowledge graph creation; knowledge graph management; CIDOC CRM; Curation; Digital humanities; Ireland; Knowledge graph management; Knowledge graphs; Named graphs; Ontology's; Conservation; Information Systems; Computer Science Applications; Computer Graphics and Computer-Aided Design
Abstract :
[en] The Beyond 2022 project aims to create a virtual archive by digitally reconstructing and digitizing historical records lost in a catastrophic fire which consumed items in the Public Record Office of Ireland in 1922. The project is developing a knowledge graph (KG) to facilitate information retrieval and discovery over the reconstructed items. The project decided to adopt Semantic Web technologies to support its distributed KG and reasoning. In this article, we present our approach to KG generation and management. We elaborate on how we help historians contribute to the KG (via a suite of spreadsheets) and its ontology. We furthermore demonstrate how we use named graphs to store different versions of factoids and their provenance information and how these are serviced in two different endpoints. Modeling data in this manner allows us to acknowledge that history is, to some extent, subjective and different perspectives can exist in parallel. The construction of the KG is driven by competency questions elicited from subject matter experts within the consortium. We avail of CIDOC-CRM as our KG's foundation, though we needed to extend this ontology with various qualifiers (types) and relations to support the competency questions. We illustrate how one can explore the KG to gain insights and answer questions. We conclude that CIDOC-CRM provides an adequate, albeit complex, foundation for the KG and that named graphs and Linked Data principles are a suitable mechanism to manage sets of factoids and their provenance.
Disciplines :
Computer science Arts & humanities: Multidisciplinary, general & others
Author, co-author :
Debruyne, Christophe ; Université de Liège - ULiège > Montefiore Institute of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science ; Adapt Centre, Trinity College Dublin, College Green, Dublin, Ireland
Munnelly, Gary; Adapt Centre, Trinity College Dublin, College Green, Dublin, Ireland
Kilgallon, Lynn; Department of History, Trinity College Dublin, College Green, Dublin, Ireland
O'Sullivan, Declan; Adapt Centre, Trinity College Dublin, College Green, Dublin, Ireland
Crooks, Peter; Department of History, Trinity College Dublin, College Green, Dublin, Ireland
Language :
Title :
Creating a Knowledge Graph for Ireland's Lost History: Knowledge Engineering and Curation in the Beyond 2022 Project
Government of Ireland ADAPT - ADAPT Centre for Digital Content Technology
Funding text :
Beyond 2022 is funded by the Government of Ireland, through the Department of Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sport and Media, under the Project Ireland 2040 framework. The project is also partially supported by the ADAPT Centre for Digital Content Technology under the SFI Research Centres Programme (Grant 13/RC/2106_P2). Authors’ addresses: C. Debruyne, G. Munnelly, and D. O’Sullivan, ADAPT Centre, Trinity College Dublin, College Green, Dublin 2, Ireland; emails: {debruync, munnellg, declan.osullivan}; L. Kilgallon and P. Crooks, Department of History, Trinity College Dublin, College Green, Dublin 2, Ireland; emails: {kilgalll, pcrooks} Authors current address: C. Debruyne’s, Montefiore Institute, University of Liège, Quartier Polytech 1, Allée de la découverte 10, 4000 Liège, Belgium.
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