Abstract :
[en] This works investigates in detail the electro-thermo-mechanical properties of a Shape Memory Composite (SMC) during shape memory cycles in which the heating is a result of resistive heating. The SMC is a covalently cross-linked poly(ε-caprolactone) network filled with 3 wt% of multiwall carbon nanotubes. The characterization is performed with the help of a custom-made tensile test bench that is able to couple the mechanical characterization with the thermal and electrical ones. A PI (Proportional Integral) controller using the lambda tuning method is used in order to control the temperature achieved by resistive heating of the SMC. The electrical resistivity of the SMC shows a non-linear and non-monotonic dependence on temperature and strain. The resistivity is also found to vary among successive shape memory cycles, suggesting that a (first) training cycle is necessary not only to stabilize the mechanical but also the electrical properties of the SMC. A fuzzy logic controller for constant load control is also used to investigate the strain variation with temperature related to the two-way shape memory effect of the SMC. The results give evidence of the strong interplay between the electrical and (thermo-)mechanical characteristics of electroactive SMCs.
Name of the research project :
Synthesis, Characterization, and MultiScale Model of Smart composite Materials (S3CM3)
Funding text :
This research was founded through the ‘Actions de recherché concerées 2017 – Synthesis, Characterization, and Multiscale Model of Smart Composite Materials (S3CM3) 17/21-07’, financed by the ‘Direction générale de l’Enseignement non obligatoire de la Recherche scientifique, Direction de la Recherche scientifique, Communauté française de Belgique et octroyées par l’Académie Universitaire Wallonie-Europe’.
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